Kibo Code Quantum

How to Create a Dropshipping online Store

Dropshipping is a simple and effective way to start selling online without having to worry about shipping, fulfillment, or inventory management. If you've already weighed the pros and cons of dropshipping, selected the products to sell, and laid the foundation for your business, it's time to take the final step: building your online store! This process doesn't have to be complicated; we're here to guide you from start to finish. Your first decision is the platform for your online store. There are a variety of options and the best option depends on your budget and needs. Here are a few considerations, as well as the reasons why we think WordPress with WooCommerce is the best option: Property. Marketplaces like Amazon technically “own” your store and have the final say over its content and design. Proprietary eCommerce platforms like Shopify can even take down your site and products if they decide you're breaking their terms. But with WordPress and WooCommerce, you retain full ownership of your store, products, and content and can scale on your own terms. Flexibility. You want a platform that allows you to design and build anything you can imagine. Some platforms limit what you can do, especially if you're not a developer. But WooCommerce allows endless flexibility whether you're a beginner or an expert at coding. Visit our library of extensions to find out how to customize your store. Functionality. Consider the functionality required for dropshipping. Does the platform you're considering allow you to connect to your fulfillment center to manage inventory and shipments? Can you automatically notify suppliers when an order is placed? Can you assign specific products to each supplier? The Kibo code Quantum Dropshipping extension makes it all easy. Price. Many platforms charge a monthly fee or take a percentage of your sales income. What can you afford and what do you get for that price? WordPress and WooCommerce are completely free and take none of your sales. However, you will need to purchase the WooCommerce Dropshipping extension (the US $ 49.00 per year). Scalability As your business grows, will your platform scale with it? WooCommerce provides all the features needed for a fast online store with unlimited products, customers, and sales. Learn more about scaling your store. Support and community. If you have any questions, is there a support team available to answer them? How quickly do you get a response? WooCommerce offers live chat support for all paid extensions, as well as an active support forum for everything else. And there's nothing quite like the WordPress and WooCommerce community! It's full of friendly developers and store owners who are passionate about software and helping you succeed. Enjoy meetings, Facebook groups, Slack communities, and more.