How To Inform My Landlord Of My Emotional Support Dog Letter?

Do you have mental disorders or any mental health issues? Your pet may bring mental comfort and positive energies to housing, especially in pets restricted buildings, if you have an ESA letter. With an ESA letter, you can buy or rent a house in any building, and you won’t need to pay any extra penny. Moreover, whatever the breed of your animal is acceptable as an ESA.

This article discusses the main steps for letting your landlord become aware that your pet is an official Emotional support animal.

Step #1 Learn About Emotional Support Animals and Emotional Support Animal Letter Housing:

An ESA is an animal that assists individuals mentally or emotionally using the affection & care required to live a routine life. Your pet can be considered an ESA until it does not violate local or state rules. You have to get an ESA letter from a licensed therapist.

If it is complex to hire a mental health professional frequently, you can still find what you are looking for. ESA doctors can connect you with a certified & licensed therapist online to confirm your eligibility for an Esa Housing Letter.

Suppose you have an emotional & mental disability like anxiety, depression, or PTSD. In that case, it might affect your capabilities to execute several life activities.

One important thing to remember is that if you have been suffering from suicidal tendencies, it is better to seek a local therapist’s help rather than online.

Note: Collect more info about Fair Housing Act on housing rights for Emotional Support Animals (ESAs).

Step #2 Understand ESA Housing Laws

Once you get a Landlord Emotional Support Animal Letter from a certified health professional, you are eligible to live & roam anywhere you want to, like libraries, hotels, and restaurants, and even accompany them during traveling through the airlines. A landlord has full rights to ask about an ESA letter before they let you in their property.

Also, you can only impose on a building owner allowing you in the property when you have a legit ESA letter. An ESA can be any animal, be it a horse, llama, or any other animal. The rules are the same for any ESA.

After getting an ESA from a licensed mental health professional, you can own more than one ESAs. For example, if you have 2 or 3 dogs or cats, they are acceptable in a housing society. Even you can have ten chickens as ESAs in your apartment. Get an ESA letter for housing legit.

Step #3: Informing The Landlord You Have an ESA.

After getting a prescription from an LMHP, no one can evict you or force you to leave society. Since you are under the FHA (Fair Housing Act), no one can deny you to offer a rental property due to the pets with you. If you are moving to a new apartment, you can request your landlord to suggest reasonable accommodation options. You can also ask them to write an email briefing about their current mental state, and you will require an ESA to reduce the stress and anxiety. So, apply for an ESA letter to enjoy all benefits with your pet.

Once you’ve informed your landlord, you should also give them your mental health professional’s ESA letter. You can deliver your letter to your landlord in hard copy form or electronically by email.


Suppose your ESA jeopardizes the security of the other tenants or their belongings or places the landlord in an unfair financial hardship. In that case, the landlord can refuse to rent or evict you. You can complain to the HUD if the landlord refuses to comply with these requirements or makes eviction threats. Remember that, according to federal law, the manager, owner, or landlord must provide reasonable accommodations for you and your ESA.