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Top 5 emerging technologies in the world

With advancement of technologies in recent years new inventions and technologies are emerging giving benefits to humanity. These developments help in improving and developing new products and services. The internet makes it simple to share information. We need to update with technology. In this article we will look into the top 5 emerging technologies July Edition 2023 , their potential applications, challenges they are facing and opportunities present in it for individual, business and society level.  These technologies not only address most present global challenges but also unlock new possibilities of growth, efficiency and sustainability. These five new technologies are:

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

AI can be described as the human ability to imitate human behavior. Machine learning is a part of AI that improves the accuracy of predictions. These technologies can be used to make predictions, automate tasks and analyze data. Following are applications of AI and ML:

Blockchain technology

Blockchain is a decentralized and a secure way of storing and processing data. Blockchain technology is rapidly being adopted. These can revolutionize a wide range of industries in the next few years. We can see many innovations using this technology. Here are few examples of blockchain use

Robotic Process Automation

New applications are being developed as technology is evolving. According to the current situation various industries have adopted RPA. We can see its significant growth in the following sector:

Internet of things (IoT)

IoT refers to a system of networks in which devices are interconnected and exchange data. Iot is being used in improving the efficiency, automation and decision making of many industries. There are several uses of IoT in the following:

Quantum Computing

Quantum computing uses quantum mechanical concepts to perform operations on data. This technology can solve problems that are complex for ordinary computers to solve. It is used in exploring fields such as drug discovery and financial modeling. Here are uses of quantum computing:   On the whole these technologies can transform a wide range of industries. It affects how we live and work. As these technologies are getting mature we will see more innovative and transformative ideas in the form of products or services. These technologies will expand more in coming years as more companies are adopting them to a wide range of business processes which improves efficiency of business.