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Sweating excessively? Visit a Doctor If You Are Suffering From These Conditions

Excessive sweating is not just a hassle; it is a sort of social stigma. It makes you stink and feel sticky. So, if you are among those who feel wet and sticky after a 5-minute workout or walking for 15 minutes, you may need excessive sweating treatments. Indeed, excessive sweating is an abnormal condition and is known medically as hyperhidrosis. It indicates abnormally excessive sweating not necessarily related to exercise or heat. It may disrupt your regular activities and also cause anxiety and embarrassment.  

Excessive Sweating Treatments

Treatment involves antiperspirants. If they don’t help, you may try medications and therapies. If that also does not help, your doctor may suggest surgery. Surgery for hyperhidrosis involves the removal of sweat glands. The doctor may also go for surgery to disconnect the nerves responsible for the production of excessive sweat. However, there may also be underlying causes for sweating.

Underlying Cause

Sometimes an underlying cause may be found and treated. Indeed, there may be many underlying causes for this condition. Let's discuss.


There are several people who suffer from diabetes and experience hyperhidrosis. So, there is a connection between diabetes and excessive sweating.


Women of menopause age often suffer from excessive sweating. Indeed, menopausal hyperhidrosis is known as a type of secondary hyperhidrosis. If you are suffering from excessive sweating arising out of menopause you may get relief after hormone replacement therapy.

Thyroid problems

Hyperhidrosis is said to be one of the symptoms of Hyperthyroidism. The thyroid gland produces too much thyroxine which contributes to increased metabolism. This, in turn, contributes to excessive sweating.

Low blood sugar

Studies have shown that around 84% of people suffering from hypoglycemia experience heavy sweating. However, they mostly sweat behind the neck. Fortunately, hyperhidrosis is often a symptom of low blood sugar and helps people intervene before the sugar drops lower.


There are some types of cancer that can contribute to excessive sweating.

Nervous system disorder

Nervous system disorder can lead to sweating. Indeed, people suffering from nervous disorders of the autonomic nervous may suffer from excessive sweating.


There are infections conditions that may necessitate treatments.


Excessive sweating is not always a disease. It may have a primary underlying reason such as persistent but mild low blood sugar levels, mild infections, etc. Yet, if you are perennially suffering from excessive sweating, you can undergo excessive sweating treatments. Visit a good doctor to suggest ways of treatment.