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Doctor Turned Startup Founder: Meet Jodi Parikh, Creator of Poppet, the On-Demand Childcare App

Paediatrician and mum of two, Jodi Parikh, has made the leap from healthcare to tech with the launch of Poppet, an innovative app for on-demand childcare. As a busy mother and medical professional, Dr. Parikh knows firsthand the challenges of finding reliable and affordable childcare. "I was constantly struggling to balance work and family commitments," she said. "I knew I wasn't alone in this struggle, and I saw an opportunity to create a solution."  That solution came in the form of Poppet, a platform that connects parents with trusted and vetted caregivers at short notice. "I wanted to create a convenient and reliable option for parents, one that would give them peace of mind and allow them to focus on their work and family without worrying about childcare," said Dr. Parikh. Dr. Parikh worked with experienced developer Drake Deaton to co-found and lead the technical development of Poppet. Together, they assembled a team of designers and developers and reached out to local childcare providers and agencies to create a network of qualified caregivers. Over the course of several months, they dedicated themselves to refining the platform and bringing Poppet to fruition. The hard work has paid off when Poppet will launched early next year. The response from parents taking part in the development and testing of Poppet has been overwhelming, with many praising the app's convenience, reliability, and safety features. "I'm thrilled that Poppet will been able to make such a difference in the lives of parents and caregivers," said Dr. Parikh. But Poppet isn't just a convenient option for parents - it's also a valuable resource for caregivers. "We believe in the importance of supporting and empowering caregivers, and we offer competitive rates and flexible scheduling to allow them to balance their own work and family commitments," said Dr. Parikh. As a paediatrician, Dr. Parikh is passionate about improving the lives of families and children. With Poppet, she is able to do just that in a totally new capacity, offering a much-needed service to parents while also supporting caregivers. Looking to the future, Dr. Parikh is excited to see where Poppet will go. "We have big plans for the app, and we're always looking for ways to improve and expand our services," she said. "I'm grateful for the opportunity to have made such a positive impact and I can't wait to see what the future holds for Poppet."

The Hidden Mental Struggles of Founding a Company

As a society, we romanticize the idea of founding a company and being our own boss. We hear stories of successful founders and think that it must be the ultimate dream. Even those that consider the financial risks and uncertainty don’t consider the hardest thing about the early stages of building a business. You don't often hear about are the mental health challenges that come with entrepreneurship. Jodi Parikh, a mum of two and paediatrician, knows this firsthand. She founded Poppet, a childcare marketplace, after struggling to find reliable and affordable childcare for her own children. In many senses Poppet was borne out of Jodi’s own struggles with mental health after the birth of her children. These challenges drove a the desire to solve the problem and make a difference, she also faced a whole set of new challenges along the way. One of the biggest challenges Dr. Parikh faced was finding the right co-founder. "Having a strong co-founding team makes a huge difference when it comes to building and scaling a business concept,” Jodi says. "But finding the right person or people can be tough. It's important to look for someone who shares your vision and values, and who has complementary skills and experience. It’s a really important relationship and, just like a personal relationship, you shouldn’t settle for something that won’t work!” Dr. Parikh also stresses the importance of being honest with yourself and others about your own limitations when it comes to knowledge, skills, and time-commitment. "As a solo founder, I found myself trying to do everything, and it was overwhelming," she says. "It's important to recognize when you need help and to be open about what you can and can't do. Delegating tasks and responsibilities to a team can help alleviate some of the burden and allow you to focus on what you do best." The isolation and lack of support that can come with entrepreneurship can also take a toll on mental health. "As a solo founder, there were times when I felt like I was in it alone," says Dr. Parikh. "There were moments when I felt like I was drowning, and I didn't have anyone to turn to for help." Fortunately, Dr. Parikh was able to find support and resources to help her navigate these challenges. She recommends seeking out mentors and joining social groups for founders, and taking time to prioritize self-care. "It's important to make sure you're taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally," she says. "It's okay to take a break and recharge, and it's important to have a support system in place to help you through the tough times." While starting a company can be rewarding, it's important to recognize and address the mental health challenges that come with entrepreneurship. By seeking the right co-founder, being honest about personal limitations, and taking care of ourselves, we can set ourselves up for success and create a healthy and sustainable foundation for our businesses.