Water basketball is a water sport that is played in a swimming pool that is of the same size used for playing water polo. The easiest way to explain it is as a hybrid of basketball and water polo. Both recreational and competitive levels of the sport are practiced.

Depending on the nation in which the sport is played, there are several varieties of the sport. Some nations use a hoop with a backboard resembling that of a basketball court, whereas other nations only use a hoop. The game can also be played with a floating basket in some variations.

It was created and popularized in 1986 by an Italian teacher named Francesco Rizzuto. It was acknowledged as a type of basketball in 2005 by the Italian Federation of Basketball. Teams of five players each have a certain amount of time after acquiring possession of the ball to take a shot at the goal.

The first competition began in October 2003 with teams made up of basketball – and water polo players, and some non-associated players. This concept lasted for two seasons.

Anywhere inside the water basketball lines is open for a shot. Free throws are for one point, whereas field goals are worth two. The ball is reinserted into play next to the hoop, closest to the pool deck, following a basket.

Despite the many modifications, the central aim remains the same, to gather as many points as you can during the game. The majority of the tournaments held for the sport are at the local and national levels because it is not a very well-liked activity.

The water basketball board focused on maintaining a core of at least 8 teams and ensuring a strong ongoing commitment to a program that has evolved competitively and produced numerous 토토사이트 new friendships over the years during 2013–2015. This effort successfully decreased the number of times teams forfeited due to low numbers.

Water basketball is a challenging but pleasant sport, because getting into the water quickly is difficult. Like all sports, this one provides health advantages, and kids of all ages enjoy playing it.

WHAT IS A WATER BASKETBALL?ultima modifica: 2022-07-18T05:07:25+02:00da majortotositecom1

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