PTFE vs. Teflon – How The Two Are Related

PTFE and Teflon are both brand names for the same inert, nonstick polymer. PTFE is an abbreviation for polytetrafluoroethylene.  

The trademark term for PTFE is Teflon. PTFE is unlike any other organic polymer in that it possesses unique and useful features. In this respect, PTFE differs significantly from Teflon. 

In this post, we will discuss some of the major points of how or how not PTFE is related to Teflon and what the two exactly are!

The Chemistry

Some of the top characteristics include low surface energy, excellent thermal stability, and strong chemical resistance. C-F bonds inside PTFE are responsible for most of its desirable characteristics. 

Stronger and more polarized than C-H bonds, which are found in many other polymers, C-F bonds are particularly important in the field of molecular electronics. With bond energy of 485 kJ/mol, C-F is said to be the strongest among all the single bonds. 

PTFE vs. Teflon is another issue that worries customers and even some expert PTFE parts manufacturer when deciding on a polymer for a product. Is there anything else that distinguishes the two? 

Continue reading!

What Is A Teflon?

While it’s clear that PTFE is a superior product, it’s important to keep Teflon in mind as we compare it to PTFE. A subsidiary of Chemours, Teflon was originally developed by DuPont Co and launched in 1938. In 1946, Chemours began selling products made using the company’s trademark Teflon, which was a non-stick, heat-resistant material created in 1945. 

Chemist Dr. Roy Plunkett accidentally discovered Teflon. While developing a novel refrigerant for DuPont in New Jersey, he found that the TFE gas had flowed out of the bottle he used, yet the bottle did not weigh any less than it did before.  

Looking inside the bottle to discover the cause of the weight, he discovered a coating of the same waxy, slick, and abnormally heavy substance that we now know to be Teflon. 

Teflon, or polytetrafluoroethylene, is a synthetic rubber made of carbon and fluorine which is often used in ceramic rings. Absolutely, Teflon is just PTFE with a brand name attached to it. Teflon is Chemours’ registered brand name for PTFE, and it has become common parlance to refer to this material by this name, just as we do with Hoover vacuum cleaners and Sellotape adhesive tape.

What Exactly Is PTFE?

PTFE has only two components, carbon and fluorine, making it a very straightforward thermoplastic polymer. A hydrophobic polymer also possesses one of the lowest friction coefficients of any material.  

PTFE has a good wear resistance but a low creep resistance; hence it is not a very strong material. It has a low reaction time. This quality is exploited in producing “non-stick” coatings for various pots and pans. It has been used by many top industrial valves manufacturers as a coating for pipelines and containers that hold reactive and corrosive chemicals. This is because of its strong chemical and corrosive resistance qualities.  

Because of its high dielectric strength, PTFE finds widespread use in computer components like connector wires, coaxial cables, and more. If you want less friction and longer-lasting parts, try using PTFE as a lubricant. 

The melting point of PTFE, a crystalline polymer, is about 327 degrees Celsius. Due to its crystalline structure, PTFE rarely shows a discernible glass transition temperature (Tg). A free radical polymerization technique makes PTFE.  

It has high resistance to heat and corrosion, making it difficult to machine. Molding powders are treated with powder metallurgy techniques, including sintering and pressing. Tam extruder methods are also suitable for extruding PTFE. PTFE resins are manufactured using the emulsion polymerization method. Expanded membranes are made with these resins.

How Come We Name PTFE “Teflon”?

So why is every brand of white glue dubbed Elmer’s? If the clear tape comes from Bostik, why do we call it Scotch tape since that brand name is so widely associated with failure? 

One could even call it a trademark. 

Although most people aren’t familiar with poly-whatsit, they are aware that Teflon prevented them from becoming breakfast this morning. They are aware that Elmer assisted their child in creating an artwork that Scotch then hung on the refrigerator. 

Brands understand that establishing a name for their products in consumers’ minds is essential to establishing those products in consumers’ homes. The demand for a curling iron with Polytetrafluoro Ethylene plates is extremely low and will never be met by the supply. A Teflon-coated version, though, is what they’ll specifically want.

The Distinction Between PTFE And Teflon

Due to the fact that they both refer to the same item, the answer is the simplest. The Du Pont company and its affiliates use the brand name Teflon to refer to the chemical compound PTFE. 

Similar to how you can buy store-brand cereal without the brand name, how you can buy brand-name drugs or use a ‘natural’ medication that is the same even though the patent has expired, or how Teflon and PTFE can be used interchangeably.


Whether you refer to it as PTFE or Teflon, this material is incredibly adaptable and may be found in many goods and settings. You can’t tell PTFE from Teflon because there is none. Polytetrafluoroethylene is the abbreviated chemical term, while Teflon is the brand name for this polymer. 

That simple it is!

Why We Need Customized Medals & Why To Created?

If you’re looking for a quality, value, award or recognition item for your marathon, promotion, ceremony, club membership, fundraising, wedding, or just a fun collectable then Metal Awards Factory customized medals are a fantastic option.

Metal Awards Factory recognizes that not everyone desires standard or typical shapes and sizes for their medals. They make custom medals in any desired shape, size, design, or finish, and with any desired characteristic.

Why Are Customized Medals Necessary?

Are you considering presenting or distributing custom medals to your employees? Will it be a suitable alternative, or should you instead choose a certificate? Should it be given to the winners or everyone? Personalized medals can fix nearly all of your difficulties significantly. You merely need to select the ideal medal manufacturers. Here, we shall examine the reasons why bespoke medals are necessary.

Brand development

As a brand, you must recognize that customers will cherish personalized competition medals as mementoes for the future. You must have kept the mascot medals you received from the school’s sports fair. Custom coins and medals are a true possibility for brand development. Your custom racing medals, custom academics medals, and custom award medals could demonstrate the brand’s commitment to the enjoyment and its readiness to offer clients something unique.

Considered valuable and priceless

It is common knowledge that movies aid in memory retention more effectively than hearing or reading. The preference of spectators is for visuals and spectacles. People who participate in contests will appreciate having something tangible that they can take home. It is regarded as precious. You might attempt to make larger custom medals for the victors, which will inspire them to do better to obtain such expensive custom coins and medals.

Improve employee engagement

Top-tier organizations are also ignorant about how to increase employee engagement, and regular evaluation fails to light the required spark. Employees desire greater recognition. You may honor them by distributing bespoke award medals; you may also distribute custom volunteer medals in recognition of their voluntary accomplishments or obligations. You may instantly reward employees with personalized coins and medals, which will increase employee engagement because they will feel more recognized and valued.

Develop goodwill

You can cultivate goodwill by keeping an eye on your employees’ families. When your employees stay late, they typically incur a cost. Therefore, you can honor their service by presenting them with personalized medals. It promotes goodwill, and employees appreciate that you care about their life outside of the workplace.

Why Are Customized Medals Created?

Customized medals are created to convey admiration for those who have worked diligently to accomplish or prove something. Custom gold medals are typically awarded to athletes; however, this is not a requirement. Suppliers of custom medals have also created various personalized medals for common individuals. People might be honored for their accomplishments, efforts, or commitment to a cause or organisation. Learn more about custom medals, and how they are produced.

Quality You Can Rely On

Metal Awards Factory has designed and manufactured high-quality bespoke awards for clients throughout China for more than nine years. Over the years, they have kept up with every technological advancement. In addition to more traditional techniques such as hand-spinning metal, they use computerized CNC machines, laser cutters and engravers, a 5-axis robotic water jet machine, a 3D scanner, a full-colour UV printer, and much more to create the finest custom awards for any occasion, industry, or accomplishment.

5 Ways To Cut Down On Clothing Expenditure


Fashion and clothing go hand in hand for most people. Although fashion is not limited to clothing only, it forms the base of the entire outfit that you are wearing. As costs to produce materials are increasing day by day, the prices of apparel have shot up considerably. It is, therefore, essential to either reduce the number of clothing items purchased or to switch to cheap clothes. You can purchase suitable quality apparel from used clothes exporters even while keeping the costs low.  

How To Be Cost Effective In Clothing?

  1. Long Term Benefits

Choosing the lowest option is not always the best approach to get the most value for your money. In order to save money in the long term, you might have to pay more for a higher-quality item. That does not imply, however, that the priciest goods are always of the highest caliber. The belief that more expensive items are of higher quality is a specific mistake, as stated under the Veblen effect. Quality and price both rise at the same time, but after a certain level of price, quality cannot be improved.  

It is far more cost effective to spend $200 on a high quality item that you will use 200 times. It is not ideal for spending $30 on a low quality shirt that will only be used five times. If you commit more money to buying an item that fits you precisely and enhances your appearance, it will be best. You will wear it constantly and feel good about yourself and more secure in your work. Just be sure that you are purchasing high quality products rather than cheap imitations.

  1. Hiring Clothes

One brilliant way to reduce the costs of clothing and outfits is to implement the strategy of hiring clothes instead of puchasing. If you keep purchasing clothes, you might not end up using them as frequently as you possibly can. This condition is common, especially when you are considering clothes used at parties and formal attire for special occasions. Such dresses or suits are generally very costly, and you might not want to repeat them everywhere. Thus, hiring or renting clothes gives you the option of getting a fantastic outfit for a really low price.

  1. Do Not Fall For Sales

Spending an entire day shopping and returning with vast bags of deeply discounted clothing will hurt your pocket. It will not do anything for your cash or your wardrobe either. It is better to have 20–30 pieces of clothing that you adore and wear frequently. Your closet should not be overflowing with 100 items that do not fit well or that you do not like. You will automatically relieve a lot of worry and time by organizing your closet. 

Sales and offers are generally meant to clear the unsold inventories available with a seller. Such clearance sales imply that a fresh stock of clothes is meant to be received by the seller soon. Therefore, spending on such items may land you with inferior or outdated clothes. Sticking to your budget and a minimum threshold of quality is a must to control costs.

  1. Maintenance Of Wardrobe

Washing your garments too frequently will reduce their lifespan and hasten their deterioration. Most brands suggest washing jeans after 10 wears and drying them on a line instead of in a dryer. Additionally, it claims that changing your jeans inwards and placing them in a shaded area would stop them from degrading. This technique is not only valid for jeans but also for many other forms of clothing. Overall, the wardrobe should be maintained well enough to reduce the wastage of clothes.  

Another important consideration is to improve or at least maintain the quality of your closet. If the material with which your wardrobe is made is prone to deteriorating, it is best to repair it often. If the closet is damp and houses insects and pests, then clothes will get damaged easily. Therefore, it is preferable to repair and even upgrade your wardrobe. The apartment smart locks available in the market are one such upgrade.

  1. Budgeting

Determine how much of your expendable cash you can realistically spend on clothing based on your lifestyle. Make a note of any compromises that you are willing to make. Dining out less or spending more time at home will allow you to save more for clothing. At the same time, if you go out less frequently, the requirement for clothes will be lower.  


Whenever clothes are produced, they are transported to multiple locations using ships. The types of valves in ship used for the transport of clothes are similar to the valves in yarn production. Whenever clothes are made, they go through a lot of processes and, therefore, can be expensive. Opting for alternatives like second hand clothes is ideal.