Innovare la tradizione, come la Compagnia Toscana Sigari ha creato i primi sigari Fumé

La realizzazione di sigari premium è un processo complesso in cui nulla è lasciato al caso. A dare lustro a tale attività, è l’eccellenza italiana Compagnia Toscana Sigari, che si trova a Sansepolcro: nel 1997 il Monopolio – Ente Tabacchi Italiano commissionò a uno studio di agronomi – di cui faceva parte l’attuale presidente della Compagnia, Gabriele Zippilli – una consulenza per la produzione ecosostenibile del tabacco Kentucky nel Comune di Anghiari, in Valtiberina. Da lì ha avuto inizio una storia imprenditoriale di successo, culminata con la creazione del primo sigaro Tornabuoni nel 2015.

L’obiettivo della Compagnia Toscana Sigari è sempre rimasto quello di valorizzare la coltivazione locale nel più rigoroso rispetto del territorio e realizzare così sigari di altissima qualità, in grado di soddisfare le aspettative dei fumatori più esigenti ed esperti.

Tra i prodotti più innovativi e di maggior successo, ci sono quelli di tipologia Fumé. Contrariamente a quanto si può pensare, questa espressione non è direttamente mutuata dal mondo enologico, anche se in effetti esiste un vino francese dal nome simile, il Pouilly-Fumé, così chiamato per il suo bouquet aromatico. Nel caso di questi sigari, invece, questa dicitura indica uno specifico supplemento di lavorazione, di esclusiva ideazione dell’azienda. “Dopo la cura a fuoco, che si svolge alla fine della fase agricola della coltivazione, tutti i nostri tabacchi riposano molto a lungo prima di essere impiegati per i sigari – afferma Zippilli – mentre nella successiva fase pre-manifatturiera le foglie di fascia e i tabacchi da ripieno, già battuti e miscelati tra loro in base al blend, vengono in questo caso sottoposti a un innovativo processo di affumicatura supplementare che conferisce loro un carattere unico”. 

Ultimato il processo, i sigari sono confezionati e, terminata la lenta stagionatura naturale, immessi sul mercato. L’esigenza che ha spinto a ideare questa lavorazione nasce da una riflessione riguardo ai processi di affumicatura dei tabacchi attuati in area statunitense: contrariamente alla cura a fuoco tradizionale italiana, quella americana prevede tempi più lunghi e un’intensità differente. Questa cura “pesante” da un lato conferisce al tabacco aromi tipici e caratteristiche apprezzabili, ma dall’altro implica una maggiore concentrazione di lignina sulla foglia che causa una certa astringenza che, se non ottimamente bilanciata, può diventare fastidiosa e asciugare la bocca. “Grazie a questo processo di affumicatura supplementare dei tabacchi già curati si ottiene invece una nota affumicata pregnante – conclude Zippilli – ma al tempo stesso si preservano tutte le loro straordinarie caratteristiche aromatiche”. 

Unlocking Financial Freedom: The Power of a Personal Loan


Financial freedom is a goal many aspire to achieve, and a personal loan can be a powerful tool in making that vision a reality. In this blog post, we’ll explore the ways in which a personal loan can empower individuals to unlock financial freedom, providing the flexibility and support needed to navigate various aspects of life.

The Freedom to Consolidate Debts

  1. Streamlining Finances

A significant step towards financial freedom is getting control over existing debts. Personal loans offer the opportunity to consolidate multiple debts into a single, more manageable payment. This not only simplifies finances but also allows for a clearer path to becoming debt-free.

  1. Lowering Interest Rates

Many individuals carry high-interest debts, such as credit card balances. By using a personal loan to consolidate these debts, borrowers may secure a lower interest rate, reducing the overall cost of repayment and accelerating the journey to financial freedom.

Pursuing Education and Career Advancement

  1. Investing in Education

Education is a powerful tool for personal and financial growth. A personal loan can be utilized to invest in further education or professional development, opening doors to better career opportunities and increased earning potential.

  1. Starting a Business

For aspiring entrepreneurs, a personal loan can serve as the catalyst to kickstart a business venture. This financial support can cover initial expenses, from product development to marketing, providing the freedom to pursue entrepreneurial dreams.

Handling Life’s Unexpected Turns

  1. Medical Expenses

Health emergencies can take a toll on both physical well-being and finances. A personal loan offers a safety net, ensuring individuals can access the funds needed for medical expenses without compromising their overall financial stability.

  1. Home Repairs or Renovations

Owning a home comes with its share of unexpected costs. Whether it’s a leaky roof or a malfunctioning HVAC system, a personal loan provides the freedom to address these issues promptly, preventing further damage and maintaining the value of the property.

The Path to Financial Independence

  1. Building Credit History

Using a personal loan responsibly contributes to building a positive credit history. A strong credit profile opens doors to better financial opportunities, from lower interest rates on future loans to improved chances of approval for credit cards.

  1. Emergency Fund Boost

Financial freedom often comes from having a robust emergency fund. A personal loan can be used to bolster this fund, ensuring individuals have a financial cushion to fall back on during unexpected financial challenges.


In conclusion, the power of a personal loan in unlocking financial freedom cannot be overstated. Whether it’s consolidating debts, investing in education, handling unexpected expenses, or building a path to financial independence, a well-utilized personal loan can be a transformative force on the journey towards financial well-being.

5 Engaging FAQs

  1. Can I use a personal loan to invest in the stock market?

While technically possible, using a personal loan for stock market investments can be risky. The stock market is volatile, and there are no guaranteed returns. It’s essential to carefully consider the potential risks and rewards before pursuing such investments.

  1. How can I ensure I use a personal loan responsibly?

Using a personal loan responsibly involves borrowing only what is necessary, understanding the terms and fees, and making timely payments. It’s crucial to have a clear repayment plan and avoid taking on more debt than you can comfortably manage.

  1. Can a personal loan help improve my credit score?

Yes, using a personal loan responsibly by making timely payments can positively impact your credit score. It demonstrates to lenders that you are a reliable borrower, potentially leading to better terms on future loans or credit cards.

  1. Are there government programs for personal loans?

While there are various government-backed loans for specific purposes, personal loans are typically offered by private lenders. Government programs like FHA or VA loans are designed for specific needs, such as home purchase or education.

  1. How quickly can I expect to see the benefits of a personal loan on my financial situation?

The timeline for experiencing the benefits of a personal loan varies based on individual circumstances. Improvements in credit score may take a few months, while the impact on financial freedom can be felt immediately, depending on the purpose of the loan.

Source –

How to Get the Most Out of Essay Writing Help? A Lucid Guide

The world of academics is expanding and developing with each passing day. From blackboards to virtual screens, we have come a long way. This is exactly where the concept of Myassignmenthelp at online essay writing help and other forms of virtual academic assistance gets a special mention. These days, students are entitled to leveraging the fullest potential of the digital renaissance in the field of academics. 

All said and done, youngsters need to know how to make the most out of academic writing help. Now that you too are on the same page, wondering how to utilize the perks of online academic help to the fullest, invest some time in reading this blog. 

Here’s all you need to know.


  • Read, learn and evolve 


Signing for online academic writing help does not only suggest using a paraphrasing free essay to modify your assignment. That is like 2% of the perks you are entitled to enjoying. The bigger picture narrates a different story altogether. Here’s everything you need to know in this matter. 

  • There are platforms that are known for offering a plethora of pre-written academic blogs and assignment samples. 
  • You can simply choose to go about those write-ups, read through the same carefully and learn how the experts have curated the content in order make things academically enriched and intriguing. 
  • Make sure to take note of each thing you learn. From new jargons to terminologies and phrases to words – note down every single element you would learn from those blogs and sample assignments. 

Simply keep referring to more such suggestions on the go and never miss out on reading, learning and evolving with each passing day. After all, it takes a little initiative and zeal to embrace academic excellence. And what could be better than signing up with a digital platform for enriched knowledge and insights? 


  • Get tech-savvy with advanced tools 


With each passing day, as the realm of academics is evolving in various shapes and forms, we keep noticing a plethora of advancements in the form of latest trends in technology surfacing like anything. This is where the context of advanced tools and techs gains significance. Gone are the days when you would knock on your professors’ doors for assistance. Nowadays, you can simply leverage the potential of advanced academic tools and get solutions in a jiffy. 

Here’s the bigger picture you need to see and comprehend. 

  • All leading academic writing sites are said to offer a myriad of tools and extensions. 
  • These include plagiarism checkers, word counters, grammar checkers, paraphrasers, referencing generators and more. 
  • So, you can choose to use any of these tools based on your academic requirements and other priorities. 
  • Keep an eye out for reputed academic websites that are known for offering a wide range of academic tools. 
  • Now, settle for the best in the industry and make sure that the tools or apps are available in full version and that they are completely malware-free. 

So, you just need to incorporate each of these suggestions and you will soon find your academic graph reaching a new height. 


  • Get tutoring assistance as well 


Well, this is again one important point to be highlighted when it comes to context of elaborating on how to make the most out of writing help. These days, digital tutoring aids are being showered with appreciations and praises. So, how about settling for an ideal tutoring aid online? 

Here’s how to secure a diligent expert. 

  • Look for diligent online tutors based on their reviews, ratings and achievements. 
  • See if the person can elaborate on your subject matter and help you get the hang of the same in a simple manner. 
  • Make sure the tutor is dedicated to providing academic aids for the subject matter you are looking for. 
  • There’s no pint signing for a Physics tutor to resolve queries related to English Literature. 
  • So, expand your research avenues well and settle for the best one. 

Parting Thoughts, 

Now that you are aware of the bigger picture, follow the best practices, incorporate the right solutions and never miss out on embracing academic excellence in its best form. 

Author Bio: Brian Wells is an experienced academic writer, dedicated to offering essay writing help on behalf of the digital space Also, he is a travel blogger and freelance photographer, coming all the way from the United States of America.

Umbrialibri torna con Love: artisti e intellettuali rilanciano le “Scritture d’amore”

 Dopo il successo di presenze registrato a Umbrialibri Politcs, il progetto culturale umbro si tinge di rosa e sbarca a Terni con Love, la nuova tre giorni dedicata, questa volta, alle “Scritture d’amore”, che si terrà alla biblioteca comunale di Terni dal 9 all’11 febbraio.  

Non conosce, infatti, confini invalicabili il brand culturale, frutto della collaborazione dell’Assessorato alla Cultura e Turismo della Regione Umbria, con l’organizzazione curata da Sviluppumbria e la direzione artistica di Angelo Mellone, che, in quest’occasione si consolida come traino turistico ed evento transmediale.  

Da Ilaria Gaspari a Pierluigi Diaco, fino a Franco Arminio, laboratori, spettacoli, proiezioni, naturalmente libri e anche Sanremo: Umbrialibri Love raduna più forme di cultura e di messaggi per raccontare attraverso firme prestigiose e artisti acclamati il sentimento principe della città umbra. 

Si inizia il venerdì 8 febbraio con il primo evento che si svolgerà al caffè letterario della biblioteca comunale di Terni alle ore 18:00 con la presentazione del libro “L’amore necessario” (Marsilio) di Marcello Veneziani, che dialogherà con il direttore artistico Angelo Mellone. Si proseguirà alle ore 19:00 con “L’amore intossicato”, un incontro con Giovanni Benincasa, autore di “Smettere di f. I deliri di un tabagista” (Bompiani) e Andrea Di Consoli. La giornata del venerdì si coronerà al teatro Secci alle ore 21:00 con lo spettacolo “A cosa servono i Russi”, uno spettacolo di e con Paolo Nori. Ingresso libero e prenotazione obbligatoria. 

Gli appuntamenti proseguono sabato 10 febbraio alle ore 11:00 al cinema Politeama con l’anteprima del docu-film “L’Uovo di Ridolfi” che sarà introdotto da Stefano Pallotta della Fondazione Carit e a cui parteciperanno il direttore artistico di UmbriaLibri Angelo Mellone, insieme a Luciano Marchetti dell’Associazione Studio Ridolfi-Frankl-Malagricci e Grazia Morace, regista del docufilm. Alle ore 11 si cambia location e ci si sposta al caffè letterario per prendere parte al laboratorio guidato dall’autrice Ilaria Gaspari “Come si scrive una lettera d’amore”. Introdurrà Anna Voltaggio. L’ingresso è libero, ma è obbligatoria la prenotazione. A seguire, alle ore 11.45, ci sarà la presentazione del libro “Lettere a una fanciulla che non risponde” (Bompiani) dell’autore Davide Orecchio che dialogherà con Andrea Caterini. La mattinata si concluderà con il talk “La gelosia è sempre un classico” a cui parteciperanno Andrea Di Consoli e Cinzia Tani.  

Nel pomeriggio di sabato sono previsti ben cinque appuntamenti. Si inizia alle ore 16:00 al caffè letterario della biblioteca comunale di Terni. Il titolo dell’incontro è “Amore di patria” in cui lo scrittore Giulio Leoni, presenterà il suo nuovo libro “Mameli. Un grande romanzo storico sull’inno che fece l’Italia” (RaiLibri) e dialogherà con Angelo Mellone e Andrea Di Consoli. A seguire, alle ore 16.45, focus sugli “Amori violenti” con la tenente colonnella Barbara Vitale e il professore Armando Piccinni. Introdurrà Andrea Caterini. Alle ore 17.30, Antonio Pascale terrà un monologo su “Che si dice sull’amore”, seguito alle ore 18.30 dall’archeologo e autore Umberto Broccoli e la voce inconfondibile del cantante Vincenzo Capua che saranno protagonisti dell’incontro “Le canzoni d’amore di Sanremo”, presentato da Andrea Di Consoli. Nella serata, riflettori accesi sul festival della canzone italiana con “Tutti votano Sanremo” al cinema Politeama alle ore 21:00 in cui si potrà partecipare al grande gruppo d’ascolto del festival di Sanremo in compagnia di Pierluigi Diaco e altri ospiti. Ingresso libero con prenotazione obbligatoria. 

Grande chiusura domenica 11 febbraio con una giornata ricca di appuntamenti. Si comincia con due laboratori il primo alle ore 10:00 con “Tutta l’autostima che voglio” di Maria Sole Lancia, in Sala videoconferenze in Bct, il secondo con la psicologa e criminologa Flaminia Bolzan, “Le emozioni nelle parole” entrambi con prenotazione obbligatoria. A seguire, alle ore 11.45, Melissa Panarello presenterà il suo libro “Storia dei miei soldi” (Bompiani), dialogando con Andrea Caterini. Alle ore 12.30 sarà la volta dell’incontro “Chi ha vinto e chi ha perso a Sanremo. E perché” in cui Federica Gentile commenterà i risultati del festival di Sanremo, affiancata da Pierluigi Diaco e Angelo Mellone.  

Gli appuntamenti proseguono nel pomeriggio, con altrettanti eventi da non perdere: alle ore 16:00 l’autrice Francesca Fialdini presenta il libro “Nella tana del coniglio” (Rai Libri) in occasione dell’incontro “L’amore non si mangia” con Angelo Mellone. “Non sempre l’amore è una cosa seria” è il titolo dell’appuntamento successivo, alle ore 16.45, che vede confrontarsi tra loro lo scrittore Gaetano Cappelli e il conduttore televisivo Stefano Coletta. A seguire, alle ore 17.30, al via il talk “D’amore ci si ammala, d’amore si guarisce” in cui Ana Maria Sepe e Anna De Simone, fondatrici di Psicoadvisor, presenteranno il libro “Poni le giuste basi per avere una vita affettiva appagante (Ed. Rizzoli). Alle 18.30, Antonio Petrocelli leggerà delle poesie d’amore nel corso dell’incontro “L’amore si recita” che sarà introdotto da Andrea Caterini. “Il cuore, a volte, non invecchia” chiuderà Umbria Libri Love, in cui Franco Arminio racconterà i suoi “Canti della Gratitudine” (Bompiani), introdotti da Andrea Di Consoli, con la partecipazione dell’editore Bompiani. 


Premium Mobile Bar Hire in Essex: Elevate Your Event with Our Professional Services


Welcome to the epitome of sophistication in event experiences! At our premium mobile bar hire service in Essex, we pride ourselves on delivering unparalleled excellence. Our professional team, seasoned in crafting unforgettable moments, stands ready to elevate your event to new heights. Immerse yourself in a world of choice with our diverse beverage options and marvel at the elegant designs of our mobile bars, meticulously curated to complement any occasion. Beyond Essex, our services extend their charm, creating magical memories across varied locations. But don’t just take our word for it—our satisfied clients sing praises, testifying to the seamless blend of professionalism and creativity. Booking is a breeze, ensuring that your journey to an exceptional event begins effortlessly. Choose us for an event that transcends the ordinary, leaving an indelible mark on the canvas of your memories.

 The Essence of Premium Mobile Bar Services

Indulge in the epitome of luxury with our premium mobile bar services. We redefine the art of event hospitality, infusing each moment with sophistication and style. From a meticulously curated selection of top-shelf beverages to the elegant design of our mobile bars, every detail is crafted to enhance your event. Our seasoned team of professionals brings expertise and passion to ensure a seamless and extraordinary experience. Elevate your occasion with the essence of exclusivity – where every sip and every moment reflects the pinnacle of premium service, making your event an unforgettable masterpiece.

 Our Professional Team

At the heart of our exceptional mobile bar services lies a team of dedicated professionals, each a maestro in the art of event hospitality. With a shared commitment to excellence, our seasoned experts bring not only their skills but also a passion for creating memorable experiences. From skilled mixologists crafting bespoke cocktails to attentive servers ensuring seamless service, our professional team is the driving force behind the success of every event. Their attention to detail, coupled with a genuine enthusiasm for exceeding expectations, sets us apart. Entrust your occasion to our capable hands, and let our team transform it into an extraordinary and unforgettable affair.

  A Variety of Beverage Options

 Dive into a world of refined taste with our premium mobile bar services, offering a diverse and sophisticated array of beverage options to elevate your event experience. From expertly crafted cocktails that blend innovation and tradition to a carefully curated selection of fine wines and spirits, our offerings cater to the connoisseur in you. Whether it’s a corporate gathering, wedding celebration, or a social affair, our commitment to quality ensures a symphony of flavors that leaves a lasting impression. Enrich your event with the versatility and excellence of our beverage options, turning every sip into a moment of indulgence and celebration.

 Tailored Packages for Every Occasion

Unveil the art of bespoke celebrations with our premium mobile bar services, where we redefine versatility through tailored packages for every occasion. From intimate gatherings to grand festivities, our customizable offerings ensure a perfect fit for your unique event. Choose from a palette of options, including beverage selections, bar setups, and thematic elements, allowing you to shape an experience that mirrors your vision. Our commitment to flexibility means that whether it’s a corporate affair, wedding celebration, or a lively party, our tailored packages seamlessly adapt, ensuring that each moment is infused with the essence of your distinctive style. Elevate your event to a new level of personalization, where our commitment to excellence meets the unique tapestry of your celebration.

 Client Testimonials

Discover the resonance of satisfaction through the voices of our esteemed clients, echoing the success of their events with our premium mobile bar services. Their testimonials stand as a testament to the seamless fusion of professionalism and creativity, narrating stories of unparalleled experiences. From the exquisite beverages to the meticulous service, our clients speak of events elevated to extraordinary heights. Each testimonial is a brushstroke on the canvas of our commitment to excellence, illustrating how our mobile bar services not only meet but exceed expectations. Join the chorus of delighted clients who have witnessed the transformative impact of our services, making their events memorable milestones that linger in the hearts of all who attended.

 Booking Process Made Easy

Simplify the path to extraordinary events with our seamless booking process, designed for your convenience. Navigating the journey from envisioning to executing your dream event is effortless with our user-friendly system. From initial inquiry to finalizing details, our streamlined process ensures clarity and efficiency at every step. Dedicated to making your experience stress-free, our responsive team is ready to assist, providing guidance and answers to all your queries. Choose us, and embark on a hassle-free journey to hosting a remarkable event—because when it comes to booking our premium mobile bar services, excellence begins with simplicity.


As we draw the curtains on this exploration of premium mobile bar services, the essence of sophistication and unparalleled experiences lingers. Our commitment to excellence, from a professional team crafting memorable moments to a diverse array of beverage options, speaks volumes. With tailored packages for every occasion and seamless booking, we invite you to elevate your events to new heights. Let the symphony of flavors, elegant designs, and satisfied client testimonials resonate in your decision. Choose us, and transform your event into an extraordinary celebration—where every detail is a brushstroke on the canvas of perfection. Thank you for considering us as your partner in crafting remarkable memories.