Medicina News by Xagena

Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and tuberous sclerosis complex :: Updates

GW Clinical Trial Programs in Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome and Tuberous Sclerosis Complex

  In addition to the Dravet syndrome trials, GW is conducting the largest global pivotal clinical trial program to date in Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, another rare and severe form of epilepsy. The first Phase 3 trial is a placebo-controlled trial of Epidiolex (at a dose of 20 mg/kg) over a 14 week treatment period and has randomized 171 patients. This trial is expected to report top-line results in the second quarter of 2016. The second placebo-controlled trial has randomized a total of 225 patients and is expected to report top-line results mid-2016. The primary measure of efficacy in these two trials will be the comparison between Epidiolex and placebo in the percentage change in number of monthly drop seizures during the 14-week treatment period compared with the 4-week baseline observation period. ( Fonte: )  -