Discover the Charm of Custom Acrylic Keychains from MELODYCHARMS

Discover the Charm of Custom Acrylic Keychains from MELODYCHARMS

探索 MELODYCHARMS 定制亚克力钥匙扣的美丽。了解这些独特的配饰如何通过其定制选项和高品质工艺来提升您的风格。


定制亚克力钥匙扣不仅是实用的配饰,也是时尚的装饰品,为您提供个性化外观的愉悦方式。这些钥匙扣有其独特的魅力!想知道这些时尚钥匙扣是如何制作的吗?本指南将提供您从 MELODYCHARMS 获得个性化亚克力钥匙扣所需的所有见解。




MELODYCHARMS 的亚克力钥匙扣以其定制灵活性、价格实惠、高品质、快速生产时间和道德制造而闻名。亚克力钥匙扣的种类繁多,包括透明、彩色、闪光、环氧树脂涂层、全息、彩虹效果,甚至镀银或镀金。




Clear acrylic keychains can be printed on either one or both sides. They are available with low minimum order requirements, and the production time is just 3-6 days post-design confirmation. You can opt for additional enhancements like epoxy coating, glitter, or holographic effects. With 51 types of keychain accessories available, the creative possibilities are endless.

Features of Clear Acrylic Keychains

Durable Epoxy Keychains

Epoxy keychains are characterized by their robust texture and excellent water resistance. The epoxy coating safeguards the surface from scratches. They are typically printed on both sides, with options for front-side epoxy or glitter epoxy coating. With low minimum orders, these are produced within 5-7 days after design confirmation.

Features of Epoxy Keychains

Holographic Keychains: A Shimmering Choice

Custom holographic keychains from MELODYCHARMS combine acrylic, metal materials, and holographic film for a striking, shiny, durable, and waterproof accessory.

Features of Holographic Keychains

Rainbow Acrylic Charms: Vibrant and Unique

Rainbow acrylic keychains are eye-catching, displaying stunning rainbow hues visible from different angles.

Features of Rainbow Acrylic Charms

Glitter Acrylic Keychains: Dazzle and Delight

Glitter keychains are especially sparkly and attention-grabbing! Custom glitter stickers from MELODYCHARMS can be tailored into any shape or pattern, are highly durable, and retain their vivid color. These are perfect for decorating, collecting, trading, or selling.

Features of Glitter Acrylic Keychains


What are custom acrylic keychains? Custom acrylic keychains are personalized accessories made from acrylic plastic, known for their transparency and durability. They can be customized in various shapes, colors, and designs. 定制钥匙扣是如何制作的? 该工艺涉及将特殊墨水 UV 印刷到透明 PET 薄膜上,然后将其粘附到亚克力板上。这样就可以制作出高清、充满活力的钥匙扣。 我可以批量订购定制钥匙扣吗? 是的,MELODYCHARMS 提供批量订购定制钥匙扣的选项,且最低订单要求较低。 亚克力钥匙扣有哪些定制选项? 您可以选择透明、彩色、闪光、环氧树脂涂层、全息、彩虹效果,甚至镀银或镀金。还提供闪光和全息效果等其他增强功能。 生产定制亚克力钥匙扣需要多长时间? 生产时间各不相同,但通常在设计确认后 3-7 天不等,具体取决于钥匙扣的复杂性和类型。 环氧树脂和全息钥匙扣有什么特殊功能吗? 是的,环氧树脂钥匙扣具有坚固的质感和防水性,而全息钥匙扣则提供引人注目的闪亮设计,并提供不同效果的选择。


MELODYCHARMS 定制亚克力钥匙扣完美融合了风格、定制和功能。无论您喜欢透明、环氧树脂、全息、彩虹还是闪光亚克力钥匙扣,都有无限的可能性来个性化您的外观。立即订购您的定制钥匙扣,为您的配饰增添一抹独特魅力。