Held the “29th Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) General Assembly” Preparatory Committee

The Preparatory Committee (Chairman of the Preparatory Committee) for the “29th Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) General Assembly” (hereinafter referred to as “The 29th APPF General Assembly”) to be held for 3 days from December 13 (Mon) Lee Chun-seok) was held today (11.2.) at 15:00 in the main building of the National Assembly building.

The Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) is an Asia-Pacific regional parliamentary forum corresponding to the ‘Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)’, the world’s largest regional cooperation body. It plays an important role as a parliamentary council that strengthens cooperation among the 27 member states of the region.

At the “29th APPF General Assembly,” the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea assumes the presidency for the first time in 23 years since the 6th General Assembly in 1998. Under the theme of ‘the role of parliament to strengthen resilience in the post-corona era,’ this general meeting will be held in two parts: a pre-video conference* and a hybrid (face-to-face and video conference) plenary session**. Twenty of the 27 member countries will attend, and the chairpersons of 7 countries will attend the plenary session. This is the largest case of chairperson attendance in the last 10 years.

*Pre-video conference: November 8 (Mon) ~ 19 (Fri), 2021, Video conference room of the Special Committee of the National Assembly

*Hybrid plenary session: December 13 (Mon) ~ 15 (Wed), 2021, Conrad Hotel in Yeouido

The preparatory committee for the 29th APPF General Assembly held today discussed key issues such as the opening ceremony’s main program and the quarantine system for the successful hosting of the APPF General Assembly. National Assembly Secretary-General Lee Chun-seok presided over the meeting as the preparatory committee, and a total of 14 people attended the meeting, including Jeon Sang-soo, Deputy Legislative Director, Cho Yong-bok, Kim Byung-gwan, Secretary General of the National Assembly, and related offices and bureau chiefs.

After receiving a report on the preparations for the 29th APPF General Assembly, the preparatory members discussed congratulatory speeches and major programs at the opening ceremony of the 29th APPF General Assembly, and discussed the composition of a systematic quarantine system to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Secretary-General Lee Chun-seok said to the preparatory members, “Holding the 29th APPF General Assembly is an opportunity to strengthen the international status of the National Assembly of the Republic of Korea. I hope that it will elicit international sympathy and support for the policy direction,” he said. In addition, he said, “The phased recovery of daily life will begin in November, but since it is the first large-scale international event held by the National Assembly after the COVID-19 pandemic, a more thorough quarantine plan should be established with the possibility of the spread of COVID-19 in mind.” A successful event is only possible if all of the capabilities of the company are mobilized. I hope that everyone will put all their efforts into successfully completing this General Assembly.”

Meanwhile, the pre-video conference of the “29th APPF General Assembly” to be held before the hybrid plenary session (December 13 (Mon) to 15 (Wed)) will be held from November 8 (Mon) to 19 (Fri) in the video conference room of the National Assembly. proceeds During this period, the National Assembly members of the Republic of Korea will preside over five meetings including the Resolution Basic Committee, the Women’s Assembly Working Group, the Political Security Working Group, the Economic and Trade Working Group, and the Asia-Pacific Cooperation Working Group. / Source National Assembly

Held the “29th Asia-Pacific Parliamentary Forum (APPF) General Assembly” Preparatory Committeeultima modifica: 2021-11-15T05:36:59+01:00da mhjn