Moving Pol'Art

Polo - Milici artistic convivium: between Artist's Books and brindisi.

It took place yesterday, February 22, 2018, at the Ristorante Pizzeria Moro of Laives (Leifers) in South Tyrol a convivial meeting between the famous artist from Treviso and president of the Cultural Association Art Gallery Museum NabilaFluxus Virginia Milici, aka Virgy, and the master Rotaliano Dear Polo. Their meeting was scheduled for the Christmas Dinner on December 16th 2017, organized by the same Polo Gentile at his studio in Roverè della Luna as an occasion for meeting and cultural exchange between Trentino and local artists, but due to technical problems it was not could happen. So a recovery, which could not be missing for the two longtime friends. After the greetings and presentations agreed between the guests, the dinner took place pleasantly at the renowned Ristorante Pizzeria Moro of Laives (Leifers) between tasty dishes, toast (small beer for Virgy and white Müller-Thurgau for Gentile Polo) and short stories 'artist. Interesting exchanges of experiences between the two artists and anecdotes related to daily work and travel, the reports of the artistic activities of the year just ended and the VIII International Review of the artist's book & IV BILA 2017 on books - object or books - transformed / altered held between 02 July and 10 September: "The journey as a metaphor of life, I and Nature: EARTH, AIR, FIRE, WATER" promoted by the Art Gallery Museum Nabila Fluxus in collaboration with the Associazione Borgo del Maglio, the patronage of the Municipality of Ome (BS) and edited by the same V. Milici at the Headquarters of the Casa Pietro Malossi Museum. Mild note of regret for the lack of continuation of the artistic project Street Art AP {P} COUNTRY organized by President Milici, a project that featured artists, including Master Gentile Polo, and street writer in an artistic marathon to visually embellish and culturally the cities (starting from Paese, in the province of Treviso) submerged by the dull gray of the iron and cement. The edition held on 27 June 2015 has unfortunately not seen the commitment of the Department of Culture to continue. Too bad, a missed opportunity.
The evening continued with proposals for collaboration for the current year, on which we maintain for the moment a slight veil of mystery that will be unveiled in the next articles, as soon as certain dates are fixed. The dinner was pleasantly concluded with a positive energy load for the new projects and the delivery of the free catalogs by the President to his friend Gentile Polo who collaborated and participated artistically in the related exhibitions. Evening in general therefore more than positive to repeat.
(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)