Moving Pol'Art

A green and cheerful St. Patrick's Day from the Art Studio Gentile Polo!

March 17th: Saint Patrick! What better chance for us than the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo to celebrate with beer (better Irish and verdolina), music and laughter? St. Patrick's Day (in Irish: Lá 'le Pádraig or Lá Fhéile Pádraig, in English: St. Patrick's Day, or Paddy's Day) was born to commemorate the patron saint of Ireland, Patrick Maewyn Succat, (387/392 AD Kilpatrick, Scotland - 461/493 Downpatrick, Ireland) in a noble family of Roman origin and kidnapped as a teenager by Irish pirates to be sold as a slave to Muirchu, king of the North Dàl Riada in Ireland. During his imprisonment as a pastor he learned the Gaelic language and Druidic practices, which allowed him after his flight to England, France and Italy, to return to Ireland in 432 as a bishop for the conversion of the island's population from paganism to Christianity , according to the will of Pope Celestine. The bishop Patrizio got the Latin name just before his death, a name that would originate from the Latin "pater civium" (father of the people). St. Patrick was able to agree with the Druids to accompany the Christian symbolism to the traditional one and got such a success that over sixty churches were built in his honor, the most important of which is in Dublin and became a national hero, as well as patron saint 'Ireland. As mentioned, to the Christian symbol of the saint are combined elements of Celtic mythology, then Leprecauni (from the ancient term luchorpan which means "small body", to describe its belonging to the Little People of Irish fairies) with a thick red beard, green dress and white and green striped socks. Leprecauno traditionally lives in the woods, for this reason perhaps he always wears green, and is an excellent violinist for whom he loves music and dance and embodies the Irish vices: a great drinker of beer and whiskey, an admirer of tobacco and pipe smoker, he loves make jokes to the unfortunate, especially if miserly, has a weakness for riddles, is touchy and does not forget the wrongs suffered; he loves money but not avarice and, traditionally, he keeps the gold of the fairies in a big pot at the end of the rainbow. The use of clover derives instead from the Christian tradition, according to which the bishop Patrick used precisely the tripartite leaf of the clover, very common in Ireland, to explain to the natives the divine trinity. Here then we too at the Studio d'arte Gentile Polo in Roveré della Luna we prepare to celebrate St. Patrick with a themed poster for the new book "Pensieri ... Una strada in salita", Edizioni Aletti, dell ' artist Gentile Polo: And ready with the festivities! The appointments in Trentino: at the Accademia di vicolo Colico, at 7.00 pm, dj set folk, old and new, and then continue with a live band, La Bestia Carenne (Neapolitan quintet which boasts collaborations with Modena City Ramblers, Bunori Sas and Folkabbestia); at the Pub Posta the Skatarada people perform; at the Punto 8 of alley all'Adige, from 9.00 pm, will toast the patron saint of Ireland with Tommy The Rooster; and at Mezzocorona, at the Caffè Centrale, with dinner and folk-swing, on stage the Freezone and the Swingin 'Ciccioli Jacks. And with the traditional blessing of the traveler of St. Patrick, we wish everyone a good party from the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo! "May the road rise to meet you, may the wind be always at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, and the rains fall soft upon your fields and, until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand."

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)