Moving Pol'Art

VISUAL METAPHORS: Artist's book by Gentile Polo for Face'Arts 2017

Visual Metaphors is the book-object or artist's book conceived and created by the skilled hands of the Rotaliano Gentile Polo for the 2017 edition of the exhibition Face'Arts "The journey as a metaphor: I and Nature - Water, Air, Earth and Fire "by Mary Sperti. As the title of the exhibition, the artist questions the relationship between man and nature through the four natural elements of water, air, earth and fire at the base of every substance of which the matter is composed, and already the object of study in the sixth century BC. from the Greek philosopher Anassimene di Mileto and, later, from Empedocle, Socrates and Aristotle. Here then are the comments of the artist Gentile Polo that take place, page after page, and come to life through the ancient alchemical symbology of triangle, square and circle. The understanding of the elements is always dynamic and serves to propitiate the restoration of personal balance. The Earth represents the force of gravity. So the heaviness, the solidity and also the certainty and security. For this in the sense of responsibility and independence. Inside the circle are all the simple shapes where everything is realized and everything is consumed. Water is the symbol of freedom. Flowing element indicates serenity, and has in itself the idea of acceptance in changes, collecting emotions with abundance, turning them into positive actions with a certain difficulty when the targeted commitment is lacking. Air is change and transformation. To the curiosity and the desire to learn, but also to the lack of stability. When the air element is in equilibrium, every concern finds a solution because it is able to accumulate knowledge in different perspectives. Fire is creative. Able to start projects with intuition and enthusiasm. Very impulsive, it is not very tolerant if it does not regain its balance. The Earth is the home and place of origin of humanity and therefore the space where everything takes place ... Roverè della Luna 23 May 2017

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)

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