Moving Pol'Art

The poetry of the pipe arrives at Sanzio primary schools!

Children in excitement yesterday, Friday 23 March, for the poetic afternoon and the experiment of the poetry of the pipe, born from a project by Paul Sark and the enthusiastic collaboration of the artist Gentile Polo. The two artists arrived at about 2.00 pm in the Great Hall of Sanzio primary schools for the set-up, they immediately divided the roles: while Paul connected the cables for the microphones and the pianola, the artist Gentile Polo rebuilt the structure on site wooden support for the six and sixty meter black and white sound pipe decorated with free poetic words. As soon as the structure was finished, the children rushed to ask how it worked: whispering on one side, on the other side of the tube the sound comes amplified. the simple and fun experiment has sparked the enthusiasm of the children who wanted to try en masse, even making jokes to the listening companions! At about 2.30 pm the children were called to order by the English teachers and invited to enter the Aula Magna. After the heartfelt thanks to the artist Gentile Polo for providing manpower, materials and time for the structure for the poetry of the tube to children, the small protagonists were disciplined as much as possible by the skilled teachers to start the show. The excited children have therefore begun to exhibit their poetic compositions in turn in front of estranged parents and public, triggering repeated and enthusiastic applause. The poems were interspersed with a lively musical accompaniment while the colorful flowers and the object books created by the children in recent days have cheered the hall of their creative imagination. Just before 4pm, a delicious buffet with a dove and colored drinks ended the show with poetry and allowed the children to try and have fun again with the poetry of the pipe. At the end of the festivities, while children, parents and teachers flowed back home, the artists have unplugged, disassembled and stored in the luggage of their cars the equipment in complete safety. And with a goodbye to the next collaboration and a heartfelt wish for the upcoming Easter, we can happily say an artistic afternoon at the Sanzio primary schools of Trento and a fruitful collaboration between the artists Paul Sark and Gentile Polo of Roverè della Luna.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)