Moving Pol'Art

"A cloud" of Gentile Polo in PENSIERI...UNA STRADA IN SALITA, Ed.Aletti

Have you ever observed the clouds, on a sunny day while, lying on the grass (or in a strawberry field, as the very good musical group MODA' would say), the mind hovers lightly over the deepest blue? Sometimes it will happen to you, as it is said happened to the great Michelangelo who, observing the sky, was inspired by the clouds for his Last Judgment, or as the author of the poem I am about to reveal you, father painter artist sensitive man and curious about life and its beauty. Let's find out then this delicate composition. "A CLOUD" by Gentile Polo   Have you ever observed a cloud, from below ... with the nose up when you dilate your eyes to a part of the sky? She moves and twirls with such fluency which always looks different: at first there is not, in the clear sky, and a moment later it already exists moving amorphously in the wind direction, running swells, it stretches, widens, it curls and takes off, fills his sack and sometimes empties it, promises and downloads, sometimes bringing some relief, sometimes creating discomfort important for what comes up, it is incorporated and keeps changing its tones: from a snowy white fading into a thousand colors. Unusual light for those who look at her, that crosses this unstable body filtering between the eye and the sun images never repeated of shapes and colors, until the last moment. For a moment, I stop and reflect, I perceive ... and I wonder: Is this how we are? We live our moment, of these transformations continuous, along a road dictated by a powerful air, experiencing what happens to us, looking for what we can, just enough to continue this game, firm, yes, to our principle, but also aware that we need others. And things are different that we can therefore do, realizing according to our thoughts and adapting things around what we need, to show us to life until the last moment. (From "Pensieri... una strada in salita", Gentile Polo (2017), Aletti Editore of Altre Sembianze S.r.L., pp. 41-42).

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)