Moving Pol'Art

Gentile Polo and "the basket of memories" of Easter at Garda Lake.

What to do at Easter? If there is also the saying "Christmas with yours, Easter with whomever you want", it is true that the exchange of eggs is nice to do with the family first and then you go in "free exit" and for us of the Studio Arte Gentile Polo (which we are the artist and me), the ideal exit is to combine a relaxing output at Garda Lake with a nice show. So we took the opportunity inviting that this year overlapped Easter in the first of April with the offers of the Museums open on the first Sunday of the month, trusting not to meet with a beautiful ... April Fools! Among the many proposals in Trentino - Alto Adige we took advantage of the sun to head to Riva of Garda and enjoy the beautiful and famous lake. Getting to the lake is not so easy because of the huge traffic that with the Easter and the beginning of the tourist season puts a strain on even the Trentino who venture there, but Mr. Gentile Polo is a lucky man and a parking is successful always find it! Gentile Polo and I have therefore pleasantly forwarded (it's party, there is) between lush palm trees, delicious homemade ice creams (Coffee and Nutella for the head, pistachio and white walnut for me), beaches already crowded with German tourists at the first swimwear , bike and wet by a slight surf. Stalls and a Boat Show sometimes concealed some points of the port, but the general show pushed the artist Gentile Polo anyway, with a young lithographic background and a passion for photography, to capture some suggestive corners and details of the lake and the vegetation. After enjoying the pleasant side of a walk along the beach, we headed as Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo to the collective exhibition of the Friends of the Art of Riva del Garda at the Civic Gallery Giuseppe Craffonara, located in the Gardens of Oriental Door. The Civic Gallery of Riva del Garda is the exhibition space of the City of Riva del Garda where exhibitions are organized and various cultural events take place, with the coordination of the cultural activities office of the City of Riva del Garda, and dedicated to Giuseppe Craffonara, a painter rivano among the best known of the mid-nineteenth century; his works, on canvas and fresco, can now be viewed in many churches in Trentino, Alto Adige and in museums and private collections in Italy and Europe. The artist Gentile Polo was once also an active part of the Association of Friends of the Art of Riva del Garda, then for obvious difficulties moving from the Piana Rotaliana to the lake always flooded with tourists, he had to give up reluctantly. However, he still has the pleasure of finding works by friends like Roberto Piazza and Cristina Zanella in the collective LA CESTA DEI RICORDI ("the basket of memories") at the Riva Civic Gallery. The works range from wood and multi-material sculpture to painting, from grandmother's nursery rhymes to artistic dolls, always on the theme of "memory", for a journey between historical and dreamlike past. The exhibition La cesta dei ricordi was inaugurated on March 31st and will remain free and open for free until April 18th 2018. If you visit Trentino (Italy) in the coming days, do not miss a day in Riva del Garda and visit the Galleria Civica set in the beautiful lake landscape, fused with its candid modern structure with the sand and the shining transparency of the waves on the beach. A big hug from Gentile Polo Art Studio!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)