Moving Pol'Art

"Bellezze in Piazza" with Roberto Tampella and the artist Gentile Polo.

On Friday, April 13th dinner was held at the home of the President of the Piana Rotaliana Cultural Association and the artist Gentile Polo, during which the artistic collaboration of the famous Rotalian painter was confirmed for the "Bellezze in Piazza" event in Mezzocorona del Primo. July. The evening began for us at the Studio d'Arte Polo around 7.00 pm, with the arrival at the residence of President Roberto Tampella, where I had the pleasure of meeting his Lady, while the artist Gentile Polo was now at home having been a member of the Piana Rotaliana Cultural Association for years. Ascended, we are greeted in the spacious and airy attic with modern tones and enriched by large and transparent wall display cases where they show off an immense and colorful collection of historical reproductions of cars and trucks, in the library volumes on engines including "Manifesto of the car" by Emmanuel Lopez published by Jaca Book, pictures and various gadgets collected on various occasions, including boxes of chocolates in special editions or gifts of friends aware of his passion.
Intrigued by his collection, while the artist Gentile Polo was introduced in conversation with the landlady, I was accompanied to admire a part of his extensive collection.
To my question "Which criterion do you prefer to order the models?" he replies that he does not necessarily follow an order of year or brand, as he usually would, but he orders them according to the emotion that each model triggers: a particular memory, a combination of colors and more.
After dinner we got in front of the computer and Roberto showed us the generic program to be held on July 1st: the event should be called "Beauties in the square" because they will be beautiful historical cars to parade up to Piazza di Mezzocorona.
Gentile Polo's task will be to create the official poster of "Bellezze in Piazza" for the first of July 2018 and to organize a banquet for sale on request of portraits of the historical cars that will be paraded as a souvenir of the event.
Greeted with enthusiasm the proposal, the artist Gentile Polo was immediately interested to ask which associations will participate to understand which spaces will occupy the image of the poster and the information, including the symbols of all the associations that will contribute to the success of the event.
Among the participating associations we mention: the Municipality of Mezzocorona, the Pro Loco, the Casa di Riposo, the Cassa Rurale di Mezzocorona, the Red Cross volunteers with the traffic police and the Fire Brigade with their valuable security and control service, the mechanical workshop (still to be decided) that will offer its experience in case of necessity, the Cantina Rotari and the Cooperative Family for the catering, the Library that will organize events for the children, the Fendt Tractors and the dealer Rotal Nord Nissan and others in definition.
The evening ended with a visit to the tidy garage of the President of the Piana Rotaliana Cultural Association, rich in heirlooms and scale model cars and could not miss a portrait of the historical car that the president, as a passionate, is rebuilding after piece, painting executed and given to him by the artist Gentile Polo.
As a thank you for the wonderful evening, the artist has given to the wife of President Tampella a volume of his appreciated poems "Pensieri ... An uphill road", published by Aletti Editore of Other Semblors of Rome on December 1st 2017.
We therefore look forward to the First of July in Mezzocorona for "Bellezze in Piazza" with the Piana Rotaliana Cultural Association and the artist Gentile Polo!
(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)