Moving Pol'Art

At Geremia Palace "Doing day" by Alfonso Masi also loosens the Polo (Gentile).

Yesterday Thursday, April 26th, the thrilling acting of the famous actor Alfonso Masi took place in "Doing day- The Last Days of a Partisan" at the Falconetto Room of Geremia Palace (Tn - Italy). "Will do day - The last days of a partisan" is taken from the original story of the ninety-four year old Gianrico Tedeschi, a wartime prisoner in Wittendorf (Germany) with Alfonso Masi's father, and was adapted for the show by screenwriters Rosa A Menduni and Roberto De Giorgi. The text is set in Rome, today, with a young local who inadvertently invests an elder. Believing him dead, he takes him home and calls a friend in despair for advice, but the old man recovers and finds with relief that he has only one broken leg and the young man offers to assist him during his convalescence in exchange for the silence on the accident. The relationship between the young Roman penniless but of high hopes and the grumpy old man and a few words develops between mild reproaches and fragments of memories, until the arrival of a telegram of the daughter of the patient, who has not seen for thirty years. The news of the woman's next arrival brings the old man to confess to his aide. The young man (and the audience) learns that the old partisan had in the past discovered that his eighteen year old daughter had become entangled in the "Red Brigades" terrorists and, for not knowing how to commit murders, she reluctantly decided to report to the law enforcement his own daughter. The young woman, captured during her first mission in France, ended up in jail. In those years he had then completed the university, became a doctor and, on his release, had gone voluntarily to Africa. Since then, although writing to re-establish relations in some way, the elderly father had no longer had contact with his daughter. With the arrival of his daughter's visit finally the two manage to clear up and reconcile, but the father's medical record is not reassuring and in fact the old partisan, long heart sick, dies. The daughter starts her new job, help the immigrants in Lampedusa, while the young Roman receives as a gift the rich library of the deceased, including "War and Peace" by Lev Tostoj that the old partisan had never managed to finish and a letter with the invitation and the wish to live a full and intense life ... Discounted audience applause in the hall, including the artist Gentile Polo, for actors Ester D'Amato (daughter), Alfonso Masi (the old partisan), Mimmo Iannelli (the ... young Roman) and for Luciano Maino, who accompanied the acting with his accordion. In the "behind the scenes" could not miss the compliments and the handshakes with the actors and the heartfelt thanks from the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo to the friend Alfonso Masi for the invitation to the exciting evening. In order to reciprocate, the artist Gentile Polo gave his friend Alfonso Masi an autographed copy of his new book "Thoughts... Un uphill road"("Pensieri ... Una strada in salita") and invited the actor to the evening of 23 June, at the evocative medieval halls of the Drena Castle (Tn - Italy), for the official presentation of the volume published by Aletti Editore of Rome.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)