Moving Pol'Art

FACE'Arts arrives in Sanremo for the 2018 edition!

From May 26th to June 10th the FACE'Arts international contemporary art event returns! Follow the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo in the traveling event organized by the MS Eventi, which will animate the city of Sanremo for the 2018 edition. The works sent for the 2018 edition of FACE'Arts will embellish the evocative rooms of the Fort of Santa Tecla, located near the Old Port and used up to twenty years ago as Judicial Courts. The Fort of Santa Tecla owes its name to the alleged relic of the saint buried with the first stone July 6, 1754, while the original name was Fortress of San Giorgio as desired by the Genoese to contain the rebellion of the Sanremo, who had asked annexation to the Kingdom of Sardinia. The work, designed by the military engineer Giacomo De Sicre and cost 70 thousand Lire Genoese, from 1864 to 1997 was used as a prison with brief exceptions: during the First World War it was used as a base for seaplanes, ammunition storage in the second conflict world. The Vernissage on Saturday 26 will open its doors at 19.00, leaving the public the opportunity to admire works of art ranging from sculpture to painting, from photography to body painting performances. The guest of the evening will be Reinhard Auer, famous playwright and director in South Tyrol as promoter of the Free Theater of Bolzano, and already welcome guest of the 2017 edition at the Rocca Roveresca of Senigallia. Refreshment will be possible to taste typical Ligurian products that, together with the promotion of the prestigious location, aim at enhancing the territory and at dialogue with contemporary art for a concrete dialogue with the citizen. The participating artists were chosen internationally by the organizer of the event Dott. Maria "Mary" Sperti and by Prof. Nuccio Mula, professor of Communication Theory and Phenomenology of Art as well as journalist and cultural critic of the International P.E.N. Club (Poets, Essayists, Novelists), an association open to writers, translators and journalists actively involved in every branch of literature, without distinction of nationality, race, color, religion and without censorship.
It will be possible to admire foreign artists such as Patricio and ivan Cristobal Rojas Roa from Mexico, the tormented Syria as Abdulrehman Sahf and Ibrahim Barghoud, first art teacher in Aleppo and then transferred to Vienna, the Ukrainian Helena Sobek, from Romania as Silviu Petroianu, Brigitte Ostwald from Austria.
And artists from all over Italy, such as Antonella Bosio, Francesca Dolzani, the realist portraits by Maruska Berti, the ethereal network sculptures by architect Simonetta Ceriachi, the black - white - red by Moira Linda Toussaint, the imaginative fragments by Francesca Dolzani , the essential and dynamic chromatism of the "silver spatula" Gentile Polo, of the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo of Roverè della Luna (Tn), and many others.