Moving Pol'Art

Gentile Polo and the Nuragic Art of Antonello Serra at Drena Castle

The Nuragic art shows itself and reinvents itself in the suggestive medieval rooms of the Castle of Drena with the exhibition "ARRIA" by the well-known Sardinian artist Antonello Serra and curated by Fiorenzo Degasperi, expert in Art, sacred geography and mythological landscape. The maestro Serra opens on Saturday 02 June 2018 from 18.00 with a solo show for his thirty years of intense and passionate activity. Born in Oristano on 06 February 1967, since 1995 he moves, works and works in our beautiful province of Trento making a strong contribution to the contemporary artistic scene. The exhibition "ARRIA" takes its name by digging into the origins of the Sardinian language, which with this term indicated the masonry or the typical ring that was applied to the nose of the bull and other trawlers. The word "ARRIA" evokes ancient nuragic customs and traditions, which in the current artistic production of the artist Antonello Serra is rediscovered and investigated in the themes, the colors of the earth and in the strong and sensual stretch. Here then emerge strongly from his works the "god Taurus", the "great mothers" and all the nuragic symbolism rediscovered, re-read and reinvented in an emotional and emotional crescendo, which projects and involves the viewer in another world. Interesting the original insertion of an exhibition in the exhibition, the collective "ONE TRACE FOR ARRIA" generated by works of internationally renowned artists who enthusiastically responded to the teacher's proposal and introduces it to the personal artist Antonello Serra. Thirty selected artists, as the years of artistic activity of the master. An initiative welcomed by the Councilor for Culture of the town of Drena Sara Bombardelli, who immediately started to implement the project. The artists involved in the "ARRIA" project come from France with Helena Gath, Catalonia with Carles Guitart and Xavi Puerta, from Germany with Fulvio Pinna, from Uruguay with Osvaldo Cibils; and then Sicily with Jano Sicura, from Calabria Rosy Imbrogno, numerous the group from Tuscany to the master from Sardinia with Franca Tronci, Dina Montesu, Caterina Porcu, Marina Desogus, Maria Grazia Medda, Antonio Ledda, Giuseppe Bosic, Marco Pili, Silvano Caria, in representation of the Veneto Paola Toffolon, from Friuli Venezia Giulia we find Arianna Ellero, Marina Battistella, Vincent Edo; from the Trentino area they have answered the same well-known names of the Art world as Annalisa Filippi, Cristina Zanella, Claudio Cavalieri, the Architect Roberto Codroico, the "Silver Spatula" Gentile Polo (internationally renowned Rotal painter and decorator), the ceramist Gianni Anderle, Lorenzo LOME Menguzzato, Matteo Boato, Mirko Demattè, video maker Stefano Benedetti. A monumental work of preparation made possible by the experience of his friend Nicola NICO Cicchelli, expert in the exhibition sector and a profound connoisseur of modern and contemporary art. From 02 to 29 June you can admire large canvases, jute, totems, shields and installations with a warm ethnic flavor, where the history and culture of Nuraghi will marry the medieval Nordic atmosphere of the Drena Castle. During the month of June the exhibition "ARRIA" at the Castle of Drena will be enriched by important cultural Saturdays: the poems of Annachiara Marangoni, pedagogue and director ANFFAS - Trento, will cheer the evening of 09 June at 18.00; Saturday 16 June it will instead be possible to deepen the history of the manor during the conference "Castel Drena: from the High Middle Ages to the Contemporary" by the architect Dott. Roberto Codroico. Afterwards, the evening will see the author Paola Gabrielli present her latest book "The submerged and the saved". Finally Saturday, June 23 from 18.00 hour visitors will meet the international artist Gentile Polo, who will present his latest work "Pensieri ... Una strada in salita", published by Aletti Editore of Rome as part of the contest Salvatore Quasimodo 2017. The emotions in music will come to life thanks to the passionate acting of the famous actor Alfonso Masi and the Rotalian writer Claudia Romano. From 02 to 29 June great emotions await you in the charming rooms of the Castle of Drena with "ARRIA", Antonello Serra and all the artists who will enrich the event in Trentino! The exhibition "ARRIA" of the master Antonello Serra at the Castle of Drena (Via Roma, 38074 Drena TN) will be open every day, including holidays, from 10.00 to 19.00. For information: 0464 541170. Saturday 02 June We are waiting for you at the Vernissage party for "ARRIA", from 6.00 pm, presented by the art critic Fiorenzo Degasperi. Afterwards, the refined violin concert "The Seasons of Life" by Paolo Parmeggiani will brighten the evening, while you can enjoy a rich refreshment offered by the Pisoni Cellars. To complete the party atmosphere will be the video "ARRIA", realized by Stefano Benedetti with the precious collaboration of GEST.snc sound and light, and that will be projected on the walls of the castle. A warm invitation from the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo! We hope many of you will come!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)  Gentile Polo, "Monolith" for ARRIA.