Moving Pol'Art

Limone on Garda Lake smells of "Art in the alleys"

Also for the summer of 2018, the locality of Limone sul Garda (Br - Italy) welcomes the artists and their art in the ancient alleys that wind through the Limonaia del Castèl and the fresh and suggestive shores of Garda Lake. ARTE NEI VICOLI (Art in the alleys) is the name of the initiative organized by the local Library with the support of the municipality of Limone, an event that runs from 10.00 to 22.00 and completely free for participating artists: from the parking to the material made available including tables , chairs, a halogen light and colored candles for the evening and, on request, two trestles, as well as a map to reach the assigned
Among the participants of the 2018 edition also the Rotalian artist Gentile Polo and the Art Studio Gentile Polo of Roverè della Luna (Tn - Italy).