Moving Pol'Art

Art, Law and Poetry remembering Krishnamurti at Pergine Castle.

Inaugurated yesterday, June 29th 2018, the bi-personal LOME - DANGELO in the framework of the ARTE AND LEGAL REFLECTION review which from April 14th offers monthly different artists at Pergine Castle. Parked at the foot of the path leading to the castle, the artist Gentile Polo and I climbed up the steps that cross the woods up to the manor. Pergine Castle is a splendid manor built on the foundations of a Roman settlement and stands on the Tegazzo hill, between the Brenta and Fersina basins. The first written records are late and date back to 1177 AD. It belonged to the Dukes of Austria for a long time, then it passed to the Lords of Padua until 1531 AD. when Cardinal Bernardo Clesio succeeded in redeeming it and making it the property of the Prince Bishops of Trento, who made it an important example of Gothic military architecture. At the beginning of the 20th century the manor was sold to a German company that used it as a hotel connected to a restaurant and bar. Among the users of the new service became the stateless educator and philosopher Jiddu Krishnamurti (Madanapalle, 12.05.1895 - Ojai, 18.02.1986), who stayed there from 18 August until 28 September 1924 with a large group of followers to meditate and prepare spiritually. Of the Castle of Pergine Krishnamurti wrote:
"At Pergine, my brother and I spent one of the happiest summers, and when we left that place of ideal beauty, we used to talk about our stay, the distant lake and the snow-covered mountains. A new life began for us all at the castle of Pergine ... "(Introduction to" Towards Discipleship ", 1926) Krishnamurti teaches that freedom does not consist in being able to choose but is pure observation without fear of being punished by third parties. Freedom must be found in the unconscious awareness of our life and our daily activities. Since our actions are based on experience, which is acquired over time, man remains a slave to the past, but if we become aware of our thoughts and actions and we perceive the separation between thinker and thought, between those who experiment and experience itself, we will have come to pure observation. When we can deny all the barriers that thought has generated psychologically, only then is there love, which is compassion and intelligence. In his honor the artists LOME and DANGELO then organized the exhibition at Castle of Pergine, carrying out their pictorial homage between the entrance hall, with the splendid octagonal column that still preserves traces of the noble coats of arms of the various occupants, the cellars all ' now in use and, climbing the high and stone stairway, the throne room and the old kitchens now used as a restaurant, bar and elegant dining room. Continuing along the spiral staircase you reach the second floor, the ancient housing plan that houses the Bishop's Hall, the Prince's one with beautiful original carved furniture and the beautiful Hall of the Balcony where you can enjoy the view of the valley and the gardens of the castle. In these rooms are set up in-depth studies on the project "Legal Art and Reflection", short biographies of the artists and lawyers of the Chelodi and Bertuol Studio, which finance and introduce the events, the genealogical trees of the noble families that succeeded in the ownership of the manor and a photographic documentation of the stay of Jiddu Krishnamurti. The bi-personal exhibition of LOME and DANGELO took place in the castle gardens with the presentation of the law firm Chelodi - Bertuol e Associati and of the current President of the FIDA Trento Association Barbara Cappello who, given the prestigious location and partnership, could not do not attend the inauguration of its members. The inauguration continued with the narration of some anecdotes by Mr. Dangelo regarding other cases of lawyers who have supported the artists in history. Afterwards, some poems of the Annachiara Marangoni pedagogue taken from the volume Nerooro gave inspiration to the lawyer Chelodi to hint at some juridical reflections on Poetry and Art. At the end a short performance by Lorenzo LOME Menguzzato who made some arrangements and spread lavender flowers and red soil on a white canvas, distributed small bunches of lavender in the public and, addressing the lawyers, said:
"No, there is no law of poetry. Poetry is a right. We should all do more poetry because we often miss it, for example when we do not notice the poetic beauty of Nature. "
And as every inauguration is respected, to revive the spirits we proceeded to the festivities with toast and delicious canapes. Superb setting, enjoyable performances even if the lack of a microphone made it a bit 'difficult to listen, tasteful as always the preparation of the exhibition entrusted to the skilled hands of our Nicola "NICO" Cicchelli. Among the small falls of style to note the joke of one of the managers of the castle, at the sight of the guests forced to watch under the scorching sun, he pointed out that he did not take into account the inclination of the sun and that the next time he would invite the guests to wear sunglasses ... Even the usual joke of the lawyer Chelodi to curtail my cell phone if he takes it publicly with the fairer sex, the last of which his head mysteriously yesterday night degraded to "secretary" (fall of degree or style?), Is not of the most elegant, especially as many among the public present took pictures and filmed the evening, but they are not scolded by anyone. The inaugurations are always a cauldron of curious personalities, sometimes funny, other haughty others still ambivalent, of the type that ignore you for a whole evening while they embrace you and they congratulate on other occasions if they see you particularly elegant or in the company of some "IN" character. It is humanity concentrated in a single event and I find LOME's observation significant, so we should all look around and learn to see the beauty and poetry of what surrounds us. For all those who save themselves from the stress of the inaugurations, but want to enjoy the exhibition, we at the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo recommend you to visit the Castle of Pergine (V. to the Castle 10, Pergine Valsugana - Tn, Italy) or contact the employees works writing to: or directly calling the following number: +39 0461 531158.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)