Moving Pol'Art

Organizational reunion for the "Riflessi d'acqua e olio" festival in Canzolino.

It was a crowded and enthusiastic Reunion that took place yesterday, 04 July 2018, at the Albergo Ristorante Pizzeria Aurora at the Lago della Mrs. Nicoletta in Canzolino. Most of the artists participating in the Festival RIFLESSI D'ACQUA E OIO of next July 14th, gathered at the invitation of the organizers (Nicoletta dell'Albergo Aurora, the Pro Loco with the Fishermen's Association of Madrano and Canzolino and the artists Bernardi Cornelia , Antonello Serra, Gentile Polo and Claudio Cavalieri) to update on the activities planned and the eventual collective Murales. After a good dinner and the presentation of the Pro Loco President Mariano Stenghel, Mrs. Nicoletta illustrated the activities that will take place on July 14th: Between 3.00 pm and 5.00 pm it will be possible to do free diving in the waters of Lake Canzolino thanks to the collaboration of the divers group of SubWorks srls. At 5.00 pm the greetings of the authorities will inaugurate the pictorial exhibition along the shores of the lake and the activities of the Festival. Following the artists who wish they can try a collective Mural on the theme of WATER. For the fans, there will also be an exciting fishing competition organized by the Associazione Pescatori of Madrano and Canzolino, which can be registered on the spot. From 6.00 pm the Happy Hour will start with live music by various artists and the pianobar by pianist Andrea Pavanello. From 7.00 pm it will be possible to have dinner, at the request of couples, also by candlelight on the raised veranda overlooking the lake of the Albergo Ristorante Aurora al lago srl. A nice proposal but not yet confirmed, to provide a wooden plate to be decorated by the favorite artist after dinner, as a souvenir of the event. The evening atmosphere will be made evocative by the soft lighting along the shores of Lake Canzolino and by a boat full of flowers and lights, while poets and musicians will improvise amid the amazement of the public. Throughout the afternoon, thanks to the precious collaboration of Giochimpara, games, colors and animations for children are planned. After the presentation of the program, the organizing artists (Bernardi Cornelia, Antonello Serra, Gentile Polo and Claudio Cavalieri) presented and discussed with the colleagues on the design of the collective Mural to be realized: Among the options also proposed on the experience of the artist Gentile Polo, divide the space between the participants in equal parts creating a puotpurri of squares ordered on the theme, or entrust to a couple of them the creation of a single subject to be divided and colored later each according to their own technique and the assigned space. The assembly of artists divided between those who opted for one or the other option and who, given the limitations imposed by the Pro Loco of Madrano and Canzolino and the lack of decisive decision-making and organizational has pulled back for this year, waiting to see the result of the first collective work. In the end, amid a bit of general confusion, the artist Antonello Serra preferred the apparently easier but less organized and unpredictable option to manage, or improvise on the moment, trusting in the experience of those present. Obvious the perplexity of those present, some of whom were already asking if it was necessary to finish their part of the painting in the same day, as Claudio Cavalieri, more experienced and practical went to actually see the available space with his colleague, Gentile Polo, who had contributed to the preparation of the wall. Seeing the square footage they realized that thirty artists to paint on a narrow space of three meters by two does not give much freedom of action, nor will it be possible to organize them on the spot without a clear idea of what one wants to achieve collectively, with the risk of having to limit oneself and adapt to the colleague who paints next to not transform the Murales into an unwatchable and senseless gruff, at least for non-professionals. It still remains a week to fix the last details, we hope for the best. For the moment, the acrylic colors are supplied by Mauro Sighel Pitture, while brushes, trestles and particular colors are managed by the participating artists. Care of the Pro Loco will be to set up the lights, to the artists the ability to bring a further light independent and flameless (for safety reasons) to highlight at night their works on display. The works of art must be brought to the site at 10.00 so as to allow the curator Nicola "Nico" Cicchelli to set up the exhibition with the works of all thirty and more artists. What else to say? We at the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo look forward to good weather and look forward to welcoming you with us on the beautiful beaches of Lake Canzolino (Pergine - Tn, Italy)! Saturday, July 14th, live the Summer with us! And remember to book for dinner at the Albergo Ristorante Pizzeria Aurora al Lago at the following telephone numbers: Nicoletta: +39 348 355 0255 - Mariano: +39 349 530 2879.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)