Moving Pol'Art

A "Lagorai D'inCanto" with Eugenio Finardi and Gentile Polo

Turning for Castello Tesino (Trento, Italy) to find his colleague Lorenzo LOME Menguzzato in his summer residence, the artist Gentile Polo had the starboard of the concert by Eugenio Finardi at the nearest La Cascatella Park. It was so that Saturday, August 4 we headed to La Cascatella Park in the town of Castello Tesino and, after a tasty meal of polenta and cod, we went down the path that winds through the park to open in a large open space where already they gathered for the concert. Fortunately we were early, so we bypassed the band that tried the instruments and we visited the evocative waterfall that crashes from the rocks throwing itself into a double artificial pool, which slows down its course and allows bathers to cool off in its waters. While I too was taking advantage of the occasion that was offered, the artist Gentile Polo took several pictures, then sat on the banks, extracted a small block and pen and busily set out to sketch landscapes as notes for future ideas. At the beginning of the concert, around three o'clock in the afternoon, we slung down into the meadows to watch the famous singer-songwriter. The concert of Eugenio Finardi is part of seven summer concerts organized for "Lagorai D'inCanto" 2018 (Roncegno Terme, Bieno, Torcegno, Castel Ivano, Castello Tesino, Scurelle and Grigno) which aim to enhance natural sites within easy reach, as well as the editions of "I Suoni delle Dolomiti"(The Sounds of the Dolomites) aimed at high altitudes.
"The choice - says Gabriele Tisi, councilor for tourism in Castel Ivano - was to propose concerts in acoustic and national songwriting, just to deviate from other events [...] A shared philosophy [...] with the Foundation Alcide Degasperi which fits with one of the events of the August Degasperiano, the one at the Parco Cascatella of Castello Tesino with Eugenio Finardi, on 4 August. "(Article by Katja Casagranda in of 28.06.2018)
Eugenio Finardi's concert was a mixture of anecdotes, stories and music, passing from his most famous hits to some unpublished ones, all assisted by the instrumentalists:
"On stage together with Eugenio Finardi, Giovanni" Giuvazza "Maggiore on guitars, Claudio Arfinengo on percussions and Federica Finardi Goldberg on cello." (Editor of of 30.07.2018)
Guitar in hands, long beard and white hair, hat on the head has entertained the large audience gathered on the lawns of La Cascatella Park, at least until the typical summer storm did not forced, fortunately now towards the end of the show, all to a rapid ascent to the machines. Among my favorite pieces, the cover of Joan Osborne "What if God was one of us" from the RELISH album of 1995 ... Beyond the temporal in part announced, the only flaw was at times with the audio, it was not clear if because of the microphone or the distraction of Finardi when he told anecdotes of the past. But the songs were not affected by the inconvenience, so a very enjoyable concert. At the end, with the approval of the Fire Department that controlled both the access of cars and any, fortunately not happened, fires the artist Gentile Polo and I went back to the car, wet from the rain but excited! Thank you LOME for the tip!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)