Moving Pol'Art

LA MIA AFRICA: 7 ANNI DI ETIOPIA by the artist Gentile Polo

From 20 August 2018 the Rotalian artist Gentile Polo exhibits at the new FoyEr Space of Estroteatro Villazzano in Trento with the exhibition: "My Africa: 7 years of Ethiopia". Thanks to the new showcase offered in the new Spazio FoyEr by Estroteatro Villazzano, the patronage of the town of Trento and the spaces granted by the artist Rita Demattio, more and more interesting cultural events are taking place in our city of Trento. The challenge was to liven up the end of the summer, usually marked by the departures of the Ferragosto and, from the public response seems to be successful! From 20 August a new cultural and artistic offer with the exhibition in full color and social commitment: "My Africa: 7 years of Ethiopia" by the artist Gentile Polo. Student worker, graduated with honors in Pictorial Decoration at the Art Institute Alessandro Vittoria, Decorator by profession which was recognized by the A.N.A.E.P.A. the "Silver Spatula" Prize, actively engaged in social work, the artist Gentile Polo seizes the opportunity offered by the FoyEr Space to share his experiences of volunteering in the missions active in the Wolayta and Dawro Konta regions through emotions, images and colors . "My Africa: 7 years of Ethiopia" is therefore an all-round experience that will reach its peak Friday, August 24th from 6.00 pm, during the inaugural VERNISSAGE, with the explenation by our friend Zebenay of the traditional Ethiopian welcome "Coffee Ceremony". In Ethiopia the "Coffee Ceremony" is
"... an integral part of their social and cultural life". ("In Ethiopia the coffee ceremony is really special" by Flaminia Giurato in LA STAMPA.IT Travel section, 02.09.2016)
The exhibition can be visited freely and free of charge at the new FoyEr Space (Galileo Galilei Str. 26 - Trento, Italy) from Monday 20 August to 02 September 2018 in the afternoon FoyEr time: from 4 pm to 7 pm. The inaugural VERNISSAGE will be held FRIDAY August 24th from 6.00 pm, with performances and buffets. We are waiting for you!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)