Moving Pol'Art

In the heart of DIALOGHI CROMATICI 5+5 at Lodron Palace

Trentino has always been
"a frontier land [...] between the Italian figurative culture and the German transalpine culture.Thus, the sober Romanesque artistic achievements of the first centuries after the Thousand are mainly attributed to Paduan workers, while the long gothic season, witnessed by the flourishing of the wooden sculpture and by great pictorial cycles of sacred and chivalric character, it welcomes important Austro-Bohemian contributions alongside the Venetian-Lombard models of southern Trentino. " (from
From this long tradition of contributions and artistic dialogues, the collective exhibition DIALOGHI CROMATICI 5 + 5 (Trentino - Lombardia) was born. It will be held from 01 to 15 September 2018 amid the suggestive underground rooms of the Archaeological Area of Lodron Palace in Trento (Italy). The event will see five Lombardi artists and as many colleagues from Trentini set up CHROMATIC DIALOGUES of contemporary art with strokes of painting, sculpture and photography. The artists who have accepted the challenge are all of the highest level. For the Lombardi we find: These strong artistic personalities (all female) will compete in DIALOGHI CROMATICI 5+5 (5 + 5 CHROMATIC DIALOGUES) with as many Trentini professionals: The collective exhibition DIALOGHI CROMATICI 5 + 5 (Trentino - Lombardia) that will take place from 01st to 15th September at the Lodron Palazzo underground archaeological area, puts in lively dialogue high professionalism applied to the Arts, use of different colors and materials. Confrontation - meeting at the highest levels, in the sign of tradition but also of contemporaneity, keeping faith to the cultural historical richness of a border region like Trentino (or Italian Tyrol) that has always been able to constructively dialogue different artistic influences. All that remains is to witness first hand the Trentino event DIALOGHI CHROMATICI 5 + 5 (Trentino - Lombardy) immersed in the evocative underground areas of the Palazzo Lodron Archaeological Space in Trento (Volksbank, Piazza Lodron 31) from 01st to 15th September 2018. OPENING: 01 'September from 18.00, with free entry. The vernissage includes the presentation of the event and its protagonists and a lively performance by the Trentino artist Angelo MAGRO. For the few who do not know him yet, Angelo Magro has been noticed since his childhood for his strong predisposition to "live the words", but it is following a serious youth incident, to which his partner who loses his life loses his life literary production: Angelo Magro's words unfold, intertwine and combine in a literary production that
"penetrates into the most intimate fibers of the reader, can leave him disconcerted, because it is too dry, even when words and images are sought, but then conquers for its ability to represent the naked truth of good and evil, without discount." (from Quaderno in the form of sol, Osiride Editions)
An event not to be missed CHRISTMAS DIALOGUE 5 + 5 (Trentino - Lombardia). We are waiting for you to celebrate with us on 01st September from 6.00 pm in the underground rooms of the Palazzo Lodron Archaeological Area (Volksbank, Piazza Lodron 31 - Trento, Italy). For those who request it, on weekdays it is possible to access the underground area by means of a lift made available by the Volksbank. The exhibition will remain open to the public until September 15th 2018 every day, in the following times: 10.00 - 12.00 / 14.00 - 19.00.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)