Moving Pol'Art

At dinner with a "gentile" artist and a poet "angel"

hursday, September 6th the artist Gentile Polo had the honor of receiving the visit of the poet and friend Angelo Magro. An exquisite person and an ironic yet fine poet, Angelo Magro unveils from childhood a particular attitude with words so much to be noticed by the teachers themselves. Born in Trento on 01 November 1964, at the age of twenty one he was physically and emotionally marked by a serious traffic accident in the area of Nomi where his partner lost his life and he remained in a coma for fifteen days. It will take five long and painful years to take up the reins of one's destiny, home, work, independence and the first manuscripts on paper. The love for life and a great moral force allowed him to overcome the pain, the physical limits and the irony of the bullies to which he responded with a smile and other poetic production. This is how the collections "Quaderno in forma di Sol" (2008) and "Oltre Maggio" (ND) "published by Osiride editions," In tempi di Magro, vota grasso "(title recommended by the artist Lorenzo LOME Menguzzato)," Stories of spritz "and" Underground and some anthologies "of the Underground editions of his friend and artist Renato Sclaunich. Of himself he would say that, like the cook, the ingredients in the kitchen, he too doses, mince mixes and tastes mixtures of words. Great pleasure for the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo (Rovere 'della Luna - Trento, Italy) to have it as a guest. Numerous appreciations to the study and the apartment - museum of the artist Gentile Polo, of which you can see some details below: After the tour Angelo did honor to a simple dinner and pleasantly entertained us throughout the evening talking with the landlord on art and poetry, color and humanity. We at the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo (Rovere 'della Luna - Trento, Italy) can only hope to have it again as a guest in the near future!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)