Moving Pol'Art

Art@Amici 2018 presents the new book by the artist Gentile Polo

When a collective of contemporary art meets a famous actor and an artist who is also an author ... a cultural event of Art and Friendship can be born in the round: Art@Amici 2018!  (Graphic:L. Martorelli-Art Studio Polo) Art@Amici 2018 is a cultural event that also makes us fall in love with our Polo.Gen, hero - antihero, which personifies the latest creation of the Rotaliano artist Gentile Polo published by the Aletti editions of Altre Sembianze S.r.L. (Rome). Released in December 2017, the new book "Pensieri...una strada in salita" (Thoughts ... an uphill road) unveils the most intimate and intimate side of the author behind the artist's glossy facade. A fortuitous and lucky publication: fortuitous because it is the result of a surprise work by a staff member of the Art Studio Gentile Polo, eager to bring to light an unpublished human side of the artist to bring it closer to the general public. But also a successful publication because immediately obtained a rapid contract, distribution and success of the public. Saturday, September 15th at Mirana Tower of Thun Palace in Trento (Italy) it will be possible to know the author live and question him about his production. Special of the event will be the emotional interpretation of some excerpts from the book "Pensieri...una strada in salita" (Thoughts ... an uphill road) by the well-known actor Alfonso Masi! A wonderful setting for the event will be the collective exhibition Art @ Amici 2018 organized by Event Art by Claudio Cavalieri and curated by the critical art critic Roberta Fiorini, who will discuss and dialogue Italian and Argentine artists this year.  (Graphic: P. Ober) An event in the event therefore, to which the artist Gentile Polo will also participate with some interesting paintings. Art@Amici 2018 promises to be an all-round cultural festival between arts and international and multicultural friendships. We therefore expect Saturday, September 15th from 6.00 pm to celebrate with us at the splendid hall of Mirana Tower in Thun Palace (Via Belenzani 3 - Trento, Italy). Do not miss the aperitif in art with the 2018 edition of Art@Amici and "Pensieri...una strada in salita" ( uphill road) by the artist Gentile Polo (Aletti Editore, Rome).   (Graphic:L. Martorelli-Art Studio Polo) The book "Pensieri...una strada in salita" (Thoughts ... an uphill road) by Gentile Polo can be found at the best bookstores and online, even in the handy ebook version!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)