Moving Pol'Art

Torre Mirana dresses up with the Art exhibition Art@Amici 2018

Saturday 16 September has successfully inaugurated the group exhibition of contemporary art Art @ Amici 2018, event curated by Event Art and the critical critic Roberta Fiorini, and set up in the splendid Thun room of Mirana Tower. There is little information on the ancient medieval tower house, originally called "Marcolino Tower", except that it was purchased in the mid 16th century by Sigismondo Thun, Prince - Bishop of Trento from 1668 until his death on 2 February 1677, and merged with the adjacent Thun palace. In the Renaissance era it was restored by the Mirana family. The Sala di Torre Mirana, which houses the contemporary art collective "Art @ Amici 2018", is located on the ground floor and has a large and bright living room with a barrel vaulted ceiling and adorned with a delicate central monochrome lace. The visual highlight of the hall is the central pink stone fireplace, leaning against the back wall and surmounted by the allegory of the Fortress. Many artists who have enlivened the hall of Torre Mirana with their works for the exhibition Art @ Amici 2018: From South Tyrol Patrizia CALOVINI while from Trentino, playing at home, the largest group with: Arnaldo RONCHER between esoteric symbolism and fantastic realism, the geometric pitorical compositions from the ethnic aftertaste of Renato MARSILLI, incisions and shadows by Rita DEMATTIO, the stylized dynamics of Paolo OBER, the dreamy and hypnotic graphics of Roberta ZANGHELLINI, the brushes of P. ROMAGNOLI, the macropuntinism of the painter Karla KLASER, the sculptures of Paola TRAMONTIN, the enormous masks rough-hewn in the wood and painted by Sergio SCALET. And they could not miss: Claudio CAVALIERI, who organized and presented the event, with his vertical sculptures, the dreamy and stormy compositions of Roberto PIAZZA, Paul SARK with its compositive and noisy panels, the nuragic compositions by Antonello SERRA and the fragmented color in light of the artist Gentile POLO. The only painful note is the forced absence of Argentine friends Mery Cosentino and Claudio Cruz who could not reach us for the closure of the borders and the appalling internal devaluation that reached 300% ... The hope remains that at least their works still at the Italian customs will be able to unblock (unfortunately with other burdensome costs) and reach the event in progress in time. To enliven the inaugural evening of Art @ Amici 2018 in Mirana Tower, the presentation of the latest creation by the artist Gentile Polo "Pensieri ... una strada in salita" edited by Aletti (Rome, 2017) took place. The artist's emotion is evident in assisting the elegant acting of the actor Alfonso Masi, who honored the author of "Pensieri ... an uphill road" with the interpretation of some emotional passages of the work. The book "Pensieri...una strada in salita" (Thoughts ... an uphill road) by Aletti Editore (Rome, 2017) is available in the best bookstores and online, even in the handy ebook version. The works of the artist Gentile Polo and all the friends of Art@Amici 2018 can be seen until 29 September 2018 in the luminous hall of Mirana Tower in Thun Palace (Belenzani street 3 - Trento, Italy). The entrance is free and can be easily reached, a few steps from the station and Duomo square, in the center. So we are waiting for you at Art@Amici 2018!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)