Moving Pol'Art

In St. Marino the art on display against childhood violated: Anime senza voce 2018.

From the 21st to the 23rd of September the third edition of Contemporary Art "Anime senza voce 2018" (Souls without voice 2018) was held in the splendid medieval stronghold of the Serenissima Republic of St. Marino. "Anime senza voce" (Souls without a voice) is an event organized by the artist and founder of the homonymous Association Brigitte Ostwald and is aimed at fighting the terrible phenomenon of submerged child abuse ... Founded in 2015, the association ANIME SENZA VOCE (Souls without a voice) is active in the fight against child abuse through:
  1. the organization of art exhibitions to visually raise the public's awareness of the submerged scourge and poorly punished by the institutions;
  2. creates charity auctions with the works granted by participating artists to support associations and non-profit organizations united in the struggle;
  3. and promotes debates and conferences on issues inviting guests and international associations.
This year, the event "Anime senza voce" was presented by Antonio Dal Muto, painter and eclectic Roman designer of comics with a historical theme as well as art critic and has seen the participation of sixty six national and international artists with more than three hundred works . Among the foreign artists: From the city of San Marino, the artist Saponi Donatella, while from our Trentino (Italy) the watercolor artist Renata di Palma and the dynamic artist Gentile Polo. From the other Italian regions participated in the event: The art exhibition "Anime senza voce 2018", given the enormous confluence of participating artists and works of art, was hosted in part in the halls of Palazzo S.U.M.S. (Union of Mutual Aid Society: founded on May 28, 1876 as the first form of social assistance and social security of the city) and the other half at the Palazzo Graziani Gallery and will see the involvement of children in free workshops at the Cava dei Balestrieri thanks to the collaboration of the Cinofili Centers. The inauguration of the event was also animated by two performances: the sensory of the artist Mary Sperti at Palazzo S.U.M.S. and the more conceptual one, at Palazzo Graziani, by Antonella Turci. (Amateur video of the inauguration:) http://<iframe src="" width="560" height="315" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allowFullScreen="true"></iframe> The 23 September Finissage saw the participation of the Austrian dr. Peter Aufreiter, from 2015 Director of the National Gallery of the Marche region, and the holding of a Lottery for charity that has offered some works by participating artists. Brigitte Ostwald, Gentile Polo and all the artists of "Anime senza voce" await you at the next edition of the event to raise awareness of the fight against the terrible plague of child abuse. Map and complete list of car parks in San Marino city: See you next time! (Among the works donated to the event: "Deconstructed Landscape", of Gentile Polo - Gentile Polo Art Studio.)

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)