Moving Pol'Art

Sports party and music with "Have you ever played a work of art?"

"Trento is a city of enthusiasts that breathes sport every day, so its halls and theaters are the ideal setting for four intense days" ( 2018)
From 11 to 14 October 2018 the "Festival dello Sport" will animate the city of Trento (TN, Italy) also enriching itself with artistic events such as the performances of Aldo Drudi at Palazzo delle Albere for forty years of graphics at the service of the great pilots, to the colorful pianos of "Hai mai suonato un'opera d'Arte?" (Have you ever played a work of art?).
The invitation "Hai mai suonato un'opera d'Arte?"(Have you ever played a work of art?) is an initiative of the Cultural Association Il Vagabondo that, in collaboration with the historic "Armonium Galvan" company of Egidio Galvan (since 1800 specialized in pianos and armonium in Borgo Valsugana - Trento, Italy), provides pianos and, from this year, even a harp. The musical instruments already rich in history acquire added value by being painted for free (it is sufficient to contact the Il Vagabondo Cultural Association via e-mail or Facebook Messenger) by well-known local artists who request it, and then be distributed in different areas of the Old Town. Anyone wishing to experience the thrill of music in the first person can try their hand freely and without taboo in this fun experience! The musical works of art already protagonists in early summer during the "Music Festival" first in Trento and subsequently in Riva del Garda, will return for the joy of adults and children for the Sports Festival from Thursday 11th to Sunday 14th October 2018! The works currently made available to the public were partly painted by the students of the Art Institutes Alessandro Vittoria of Trento and Fortunato Depero of Rovereto, the others granted to the most expert artists Annalisa Lenzi, the Italian-Greek illustrator Alessandro Darsinos, Matteo Boato and Gentile Polo, Rotal artist of Cosmic Dynamism (Polo Gentile Art Studio - Rovere 'della Luna, TN - Italy). The works can be purchased by anyone who wishes by asking directly to the Cultural Association the Wanderer, who will allocate the funds for charity:
"We as an association the Wanderer - explained the president Nicola Segatta - we have made available to people and the city to realize this event and to bring more art and music in the city streets. The sale of decorated pianos is a way to support the possibility of going ahead and bringing this event back to live the city streets. It's something we care about very much ".
(of gf "Pianoforti usati come "tele" e diventati opere d'arte: ora si possono portare a casa" in of 12.12.2016)
We at the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo and all the protagonists of "Hai mai suonato un'opera d'Arte?" (Have you ever played a work of art?) We look forward to seeing you from Thursday 11th to Sunday 14th October 2018 for a four days of sport, art, music and fun! Make yourself a protagonist of the city with us! http://<iframe src="" width="500" height="851" style="border:none;overflow:hidden" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowTransparency="true" allow="encrypted-media"></iframe> For the complete program see:
(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)