Moving Pol'Art

Autumn meetings in the ancient Tridentum: exhibition of Arts

From 3 to 17 November, Venetian and Trentino artists will enrich the evocative underground rooms of the Archaeological Area of Lodron Palace in Trento (Italy) with INCONTRI D'AUTUNNO (Autumn meetings)! Incontri d'Autunno (Autumn meetings) between Venetian and Trentino masters to continue ancient cultural exchanges and reinforce artistic friendships, encounter clash of ideas, passions and techniques for the joy of enthusiasts and the vast public. Acqueforti, paintings and wooden sculptures are just some of the styles on display that will make a fine show of themselves among the remains of the ancient Roman and medieval Tridentum thanks to the free patronage of the Volksbank credit institution and the careful supervision of the Cultural Heritage Superintendence - Archaeological heritage office of the Autonomous Province of Trento. The Incontri d'Autunno (Autumn meetings) artistic event will open the Vernissage on Saturday 3 November with the elegant presentation of the group exhibition by Prof. Maria Grazia Martina. Because of the terrible floods that have shocked our country these days, the critical comment can not be presented directly, but will be read in substitution by the organizer of the event, the artist Gentile Polo. The november greyness will be fought in color by the Venetian and Trentino masters who numerous enthusiastically responded to the event: among the Venetians we will be able to admire works by Paola TOFFOLON, Roberta CORAL, Marisa ASOLA, Maria Grazia MARTINA (of which also the critical comment), Grazia ZUCCOLOTTO and Blessed among the women Danilo Michieletto in art DANILO ARTIST. The local landscape of Trentino will show off works by Cristina ZANELLA, Renata DI PALMA, Rita DEMATTIO, Silvana TODESCO whose honor to exhibit also the famous work contested in 2012 by people who do not know much of the art but pretend to tame , like that sad Pope Pius IV, who in 1564 AD he wanted to put the knickers on the Last Judgment of Michelangelo Buonarroti ... The male orbit is accompanied by the same number of well-known names of the Art of Trentino: Antonello SERRA, Claudio CAVALIERI and Gentile POLO. The inauguration on Saturday 3 November will be enlivened by the pungent irony of the Trentino lyricist Angelo MAGRO and by the final toast accompanied by a buffet for everyone and the chance to get to know the protagonists of the event live. So we are waiting for Saturday 3 November from 6.00 pm at AUTUMN MEETINGS, at the ancient underground halls of the Palazzo Lodron Archaeological Area (Volksbank, Piazza Lodron 31 - Trento, Italy) for an evening full of joy and color! The collective exhibition INCONTRI D'AUTUNNO is free and free and will be open to the public from 3 to 17 November 2018 in the following hours: 10.00-12.00 / 16.00 - 19.00 from Monday to Saturday. Sundays closed. Thanks to: Volksbank, Underground Tridentum, Municipality of Trento, Superintendence for Cultural Heritage Office of archaeological heritage for free legal aid; Gentile Polo for the organization, Claudio Cavalieri for the technical logistic help, the Prof. Maria Grazia Martina for the availability, the patience and the wonderful comment to the exhibition, the poet Angelo Magro and the artists all who responded positively to the event putting available time and materials.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)