Moving Pol'Art

Experience the CASTELLI DI-VERSI by Walter Vettori

Sunday, November 11th the ancient medieval halls of Castel Pietra in Calliano (TN) will bring to life the multimedia performance CASTELLI DI-VERSI of the contemporary poet and composer Walter Vettori.  (Photo: by Walter Vettori) Located on the slope of the hill of the Beseno Castle on a huge boulder detached from the Cengio Rosso, from which its name, Castel Pietra (sometimes mentioned with the German names Stein am Kallian, Breitenstein, Preitenstein in ancient texts) stands as an ideal stage for the gothic atmospheres of the performer artist. Presented by his friend and Rotalian artist Gentile Polo, Walter Vettori will immerse us in the dark and smoky atmosphere of Edgar Alla Poe and the psychic power of the poet Emily Dickinson. He will penetrate the symbolist and Nietzschean break of René Karl Wilhelm Johann Josef Maria Rilke and will fly over the vivid search for the beauty of John Keats' poem considered, despite his premature death, the greatest exponent of English Romanticism. These and many others will be the authors of the international literature that will emerge among the sound atmospheres inspired by their poetic, musical compositions that the multifaceted artist Walter Vettori has composed and published in the network in recent years for all fans of the genre. (Mp3s can be listened to and purchased on Amazon Music!)  (Photo: by and with Walter Vettori) In the evocative gothic atmosphere of the manor, the visionary atmospheres of Franz Kafka and Italo Calvino can not be missed, catapulting the viewer into the mystical and transmuting world of the protagonists, in a gothic and supernatural atmosphere, that goes well with a medieval castle like Castel Pietra. Callander. With the enthusiastic presentation of the artist Gentile Polo (from the  Gentile Polo Art Studio - Rovere' della Luna, Trento - It) and the technical support mixer and video of Vito Nomade, Sunday 11 November at Castel Pietra the gothic and multi-sensorial atmospheres await you di Castelli di-versi with the magical notes of the poet and composer Walter Vettori. The "Castelli di-versi" performance is open to the public (by reservation) and will begin at 5.30 pm in the Castel Pietra conference room (Via Castel Pietra 1 - TN) and will be followed by a warm toast offered by the owners of the castle. On the occasion of Walter Vettori's "Castelli di-versi" performance, it will be possible to visit the exhibition of the guest artist Antonello Serra ARRIA (and ONE TRACCIA PER ARRIA) on request, which will remain on display until 30 November 2018.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)