Moving Pol'Art

November 25: A day ... No

"But this fury shatters me more than an ax, leaving wounds inside and, pungent, only the waste. "
  The Gentile Polo Art Studio wants to pay homage to the DAY ON WOMEN ON 25 November with "Una giornata no" (A no day), taken from the collection "Pensieri ... Una strada in salita" (Thoughts ... An uphill road) by the artist Gentile Polo.   "A no day" by Gentile Polo catapults us directly into a blinding, painful, devastating and out of control crisis:
"Splashed thoughts, now, in orbits that do not belong to me, crushed by oppressive fingers which I cannot resist "
The mind loses control, thoughts bombard and escape like a mad Big Bang and only the severity of a dull pain seems to crush the individual to emotional ground.
"The purest love tonight is not enough"
Admission and condemnation, unappealable and destructive. How many couples have faced this moment? How many have come out unscathed and how many instead destroyed? According to ISTAT data only in the year 2017 the cases of femicide tell of one every three days and, although in Italy the cases of recorded violence (and therefore reported) are slightly decreasing, from 117 in 2014 to 108 cases in 2016, it is also true that in the last ten years
1,740 women were killed in Italy, of which 1,251 (71.9%) in the family [...] To unite the many cases there are often family misunderstandings and tensions, the desire to separate, the assignment of children. (from "Violence against women, the massacre continues" by ANSA Editor on 23.11.2018)
But how is it possible to explain how common divergences or even the end of a relationship, which for many couples dissolves without resorting to physical violence, in a percentage that is too high in the population, does the crisis explode in the blood? For the pedagogists of the 1900s a possible answer must be sought in the modification and shattering of the family, from a traditional multi-generational extension to the pre and post nuclear industrial one, where conflicts are no longer absorbed by the cohabiting relatives. According to Giuseppe Boncori, a Jesuit and professor of General and Social Pedagogy, part of the phenomenon is to be found in the "absentee family" (Pedagogy and Family, Editrice UniversItalia, Rome 2016) which involves an inadequate emotional and empathetic training for the other person. Another convergent element is the current media society, global, standardizing and naturally a source of stress. Perpetually immersed in a depersonalizing digital world since childhood, we annul the personality to adapt to standards of life, beauty, success, relationship built for a glamorous and glossy world that have nothing of real and personal life. The constant and commercial media bombardment is daily and the perception that we are excluded makes us marginalized if not the losers is devastating and a source of stress, which causes nervousness, neurasthenia, eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia ...), disorders of sleep and hyperexcitability, fear of the different (bullying, homophobia, racism), fear of the "Missing out" (FOMO syndrome). According to the National Stress and Wellbeing Survey conducted by the Australian Psychology Society, as early as adolescence, at least 60% of young people
suffers from excessive levels of stress and depression. More than half of the teenagers who constantly read states, tweets or see photos of friends think they do not have enough fun, they believe they are missing something of their lives, do not do anything exciting, and therefore feel inferior to their peers [... ] 72% of respondents are aware that stress has an impact on their physical health, but even if they are aware and come to complain about real states of anxiety does not resort to any therapeutic help. (from "Social network addiction: 60% of young people suffer from excessive stress levels" by Sofia Nicolosi, LiveUniCT, 28.11.2017)
In relationships, therefore, family interpersonal, at various levels, the comparison between two different individuals goes from constructive to direct violent conflict, which if at the verbal level does not find a buffer bridge (self-analysis, family, friends, specialists ...), the result is often in the black chronicles. However, we trust in the Hope that helped Pandora and we hope that November 25 fades into the future in a commemoration for the end of the violence, because Love is and must be stronger than any violence, just a little 'good will and empathy.
"And my heart cries with yours, if it still can be legitimate, listening to you [...] and I try to open the pupils even more to look for, by linking fate still a light. "
(From Una giornata no in "Pensieri... Una strada in salita", Gentile Polo, Aletti Editore (Roma) 2017, p.39.) (Photo: "From the Earth", Gentile Polo, watercolor 2011)

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)