Moving Pol'Art

"Traiettorie" of love for a Christmas 2018 with Gentile Polo's poetry!

December 25 is approaching and with him Christmas! Christmas is the festival of the most awaited because it is the day of universal Love, the day when every feeling is positive and ennobled and amplifies and everything that is beautiful and positive in the world seems possible to realize it. As for the global market, it is a war of time in a world of material goods, the feeling of this day remains in us and drives us a friend with the people we love. And just the spirit of Christmas we want to give all readers a small gift dedicating the next poem from the book "Pensieri ... una strada in salita" (Thoughts ... an uphill road) by the artist Gentile Polo:
A more open breath it pushes me to look for you in this universe foggy, even at the margins of inaccurate trajectories. Then I sink for a while in total darkness, stretching out his hand uncertain, until I touch; but deluded, which then takes me back. And I see, inside, infinite your actions, forgotten customs and I think about what I lose at the time when, I throw myself ... but fly away.
("Traiettorie" of Gentile Polo, from Pensieri ... una strada in salita, Aletti Editore, Roma 2017, p.38). We at the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo never forget that it is thanks to the Aletti Publishing House and to all you loyal readers if our book "Pensieri ... an uphill road" is even read ... in Sweden, in the country of Santa Claus!!! With this poem we wish you wholeheartedly that next December 25th will be a peaceful Christmas for you all, full of love and hope! And as the protagonist of the poetry "Traiettorie" (Trajectories), never be afraid to throw yourself into love, do not be discouraged by possibilities, failures or differences, because when the feeling is sincere it is always worthwhile to get involved. So ... MERRY CHRISTMAS AT ALL!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)