Moving Pol'Art

The Omino conquers the "Racconti a gettone" (Token stories) of Showcase of ideas!

Go to the vending machine, insert a token for ... a chocolate or brioches? A can or a beer? And Why not a story, especially if it's free too? "Racconti a gettone" (Token Stories) is the new project of VETRINA DELLE IDEE (Showcase of ideas) to which the Trentino Cultural Association Il Funambolo, Fondazione Caritro, Aesse Service - Trento and UNI - Trento (Trento University) have collaborated for a free literary and cultural offer , creative and close to the young reader. "Racconti a gettone" (Token stories) was born in 2017 with the first project of VETRINA DELLE IDEE dedicated to the innovative cultural ideas of young people. All participants aged between 16 and 35, thanks to the support of participating experts and cultural associations, were able to present an innovative project and raise funds through crowdfunding. Through this channel, the project "Racconti a gettone" (Token stories) by Mirko ZANONA and Sofia ADAMI obtained approval and collected 1200.00 euros then doubled by the Fondazione Caritro Trento who believed in the project. The success of the initiative, in addition to the idea, was achieved thanks to the initiative of the creators, Mirko and Sofia, which offered as an incentive a bonus depending on the donation: Under the direction of the cultural association Il Funambulo, the young authors of selected short stories have been able to refine their skills and texts, unpublished and linked to the theme of the departure, for publication. The "Racconti a gettone" (Token stories), although made by young authors, have been embellished by the collaboration of local artists, some chosen by the author others recommended by the Association The Funambulo, who designed and painted the theme covers each of one of the stories made. For us at the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo it was a pleasure to find among our nine illustrators one of our dear friends, the artist Sarah MUTINELLI, chosen by the author Alberto FRAPPORTI for his story “AL FREDDO DELLE STELLE” (In the cold of the stars). Among the other illustrators you will find Tiziana Tamanini for Sofia Adami by Camelot, Adriano Bertelli for Doris Allegri of Luna nuova (New Moon), Silvia Franceschini for Elia Baggio by La giovenca rossa (The red heifer), Domenico Mauro for Rossella Budano of La sciarpa rossa (The red scarf), Nadia Groff for Luca Guadagnini of Otis, Dario Scaramuzza for Niccolò Lucchetti of La grande partenza (The great start), Lorenzo Costa for Matteo Pellegrini of Il malanno (The disease), Mirko Zanona for Annamaria Soldo of Metamorfosi (Metamorphosis). Each short story is therefore a collector's piece and enjoyable by everyone, even from the youth band nowadays more connected to the web than to paper. In this the intermediation of the young Mirko Zanona of Aurora Editions with the Aesse Service - Trento Automatic Distributors was fundamental, allowing the installation of a distributor for the stories. The first absolute distributor of culture could not but be received with enthusiasm by the University of Trento, so it received approval and was installed currently in the University canteen of Via Tommaso Gar in Trento. The presentation and inauguration of the "Racconti a token" project by Mirko Zanona and Sofia Adami was held last night, Wednesday 20 February 2019, at 6.45 pm at the conference room of the Fondazione Caritro Trento (Via Calepina 1), between enthusiastic audience and excited authors and illustrators. Among the present V.I.P. at the event "Racconti a token" also the actor and model over 50 Marco Consoli, who
"After thirty years dedicated to the career of manager, producer and cultural promoter, abruptly ended, the Trentino character of Sicilian origins decided to change his life and, almost by chance, to embark on a career as a model and actor. From [...] May 2017, Marco Consoli has created more than 130 photographic [...] services and international advertising [...] campaigns such as "Forbes" [...] and is among the TOP 20 models over 50 most followed all over the world on Instagram. " (by Marco Consoli protagonist of "Infiltration": "I, from manager to actor and model" of Massimo Longoni, on TGCOM24 of 29 December 2018)
We, too, of the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo enthusiastically attended the cultural event and we could not particularly congratulate our colleague Sarah Mutinelli for the wonderful opportunity. For all fans, therefore, do not stay that visit us at the university canteen of Trento, in Via Tommaso Gar and choose their story or (why not?) Collect them all in an illustrated book! For the upcoming events, curiosities and behind the scenes of culture continue to follow us on the Blog of the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo and on our Facebook channels (, Instagram and through the official Gentile gallery Polo:

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)