Moving Pol'Art

The Artist's Book at the 5th International Biennial BILA in Badoere

Artist books and books - object on display at the 5th International Biennial of the Artist's Book (BILA) inaugurated Saturday, September 28th in Badoere of Morgano (TV)!   The Artist Book was born as a new expression of Art with the Avant-gardes. In the novel "The Indomitable" by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti of 1922 theorizes in allegorical plot a City of Paper and Light inhabited by the Paper People, beings born from the pages of large books, which burning allow them to build houses of steam and light. In the 1960s, the Lithuanian architect Dr. George Maciunas / Jurgis Mačiūnas (Kaunas, 8/11/1931 - Boston, 9/5/1978), founded Fluxus, an international movement of artists, composers, architects and designers who experiment and combine different artistic disciplines including performances, experimental music, Neo - Dada and visual arts in architecture, design and literature. It will be Maciunas who coined the real term of the artist's book. The book dematerializes, decontextualizes and transfigures with respect to the original, without any offensive intent towards the first author but aimed at the re-semantization of the work in line with the movements of the avant-gardes. The inauguration of Saturday, September 28th of the 5th International Biennial of the Artist's Book was made possible thanks to the tireless work and initiative of the President Mrs. Virginia Milici of the NabilaFluxus Gallery and the patronage of the Veneto Region, Library and Municipality of Morgano.   The international exhibition involved 85 artists from all over the world from Italy, Spain, France, Germany, Denmark, Holland, Iceland, Hungary, Argentina, Great Britain, Chile, Canada, Russia, Uruguay, United States, Brazil, Australia and Mexico . The location of the international exhibition in progress is the nave of the church of St. Antonio from Padua in Badoere of Morgano, part of the famous square barchessa "La Rotonda" built by the noble Venetian patrician family of Badoer. (In the photos: in the first, the artist Gentile Polo sits among the colleagues of the V BILA 2019; on the right, a painting of the ceiling of the nave of the church of St. Antonio from Padua, home of the V Biennale of the Artist's Book).   Among the many artists who managed to attend the inauguration, besides Virginia Milici herself, I met the Mexican Albertina Tafolla Rodriguez from a previous exhibition in Spain, Maria Teresa Cazzaro (of the longest "La Striciona" project in the world) the venetian Paola Toffolon, Patrizia Lovato, Danilo Artist (Micheletto), the South Tyrolean photographer of the "Masked Lady" Andrea Pozza also representing the Trentino artist Barbara Cappello with whom he created the volume on Eros, and the artist and master decorator Gentile Polo from Trentino. 90 The artist's books on display in the elegant vermilion fabric of the tables, rich in creativity in materials and styles and themes, all to collect!   The V International Biennial of the Artist's Book (BILA) saw the enthusiastic presentation by the Councilors for Education and School, Library, Archive and Exhibition Reviews Mr. Basso Domenico, of Productive Activities, Tourism, Promotion of the Territory, Public Shows and Events, Communication Ms Pasqualetto Elena and Personal Services, Health, Social Policies and Youth Ms. Seccafien Lara. Precious then the critical interventions of Dr. Valtero Curzi, Philosopher and art critic, and of Prof. Giancarlo Da Lio critic and art historian who noted the revaluation of the book in a technological era like ours. Exquisite people, both Dr. Curzi and Prof. Da Lio lent themselves to the artists who asked for it and provided them with comments and criticisms of personalized works. (In the photos: from the left, the philosopher Valtero Curzi and Prof. Giancarlo Da Lio with the artist Gentile Polo).   In a relaxed and pleasant environment, the inauguration of the 5th Biennial of the Artist's Book was held with great success by the public, who wandered curiously to browse (with special gloves!) The colorful works on display. Interesting is the announcement of an upcoming Museum of the Artist's Book thanks to the collaboration of President Virginia Milici of the NabilaFluxus Gallery, which gives hope to the ever-active world of Art!   The goliardic wedding… artistic Pozza - Polo (Andrea Pozza and Gentile Polo) is also nice on the altar of the church of S. Antonio da Padova while opening the buffet offered by the organizers.   All the artists present were then distributed the homage catalogs of the Biennale by the President NabilaFluxus Virginia Milici and two volumes on the history and local products by Councilor Basso Domenico, who also offered to open the doors of the Library to proudly show the display case containing the longest "La Strisciona" in the world previously created by the artists Maria Teresa Cazzaro and the same Mrs. Milici. The evening ended at the Mokambo pizzeria in Ospedaletto with the artists for a lively gathering of exchanges of ideas, contacts and stories told between art and private life. For all fans of curiosity and international art, the 5th Biennial of the Artist's Book (BILA) will remain on display until October 27, 2019 at the nave of the church of S. Antonio da Padova in Badoere del Morgano (TV, Italy) with time : 10.00 - 21.30. Convenient parking directly on the large Piazza della Rotonda. We are waiting for you! (In photo: "La Rotonda" by Badoere of Morgano, Treviso - IT; the artist Gentile Polo visits the square).   We would like to thank all the artists participating in the 5th International Biennial of the Artist's Book (BILA): Maria Teresa “Terry” Cazzaro, Barbara Cappello, Fernanda Fedi, Letizia Rostagno, Paola Toffolon, Paola Baldassini, Carmela Corsitto, Anna Maria Scocozza, Cinzia Farina & Claudio Romeo, Mirta Caccaro, Patrizia Lovato, Lucia Biral, Anna Maria Cutolo & Fabien Claude, Anna Boschi, Stacy Gibboni, Mara Caruso, Diana Isa Vallini, Fabiola Cenci, Ivana Urso, Rosella Quintini, Barbara Ortelli Pin, Benedetta Jandolo, Marta Villa, Maria Grazia Martina, Virginia “VirgyM” Milici, Gabi Minedi & Patrizio Maria.   Sarah Bodman & C. Cherniwchan, Petra Lorenz, Andreina Argiolas,  Rosalie Gancie,  Ana Gabiño, Maria Darmeli Araùjo, Albertina Tofala Rodriguez, Erminia Marasca Soccol, Luiza Gutierrez, Maria Do Carmo T.Kun, Maria Julietac Damasceno Ferreira, Gloria J.Soares De Olivera, Sirlei Caetano, Tania Luzzato, Terenzinha Fogliano Lima, Vera Presotto, Ana Luz Pettini, Arlene Havrot Landry, Jeanete Ecker Kohler, Julia Cuevas, Helena Gath, Luca Xodo, Maria Credidio, Maya Lopez Muro, Stella Maris Velasco, Erin K. Schmidt.
  Tohei Mano, Benna, Gino Gini, Ruggero Maggi, Maurizio Follin, Lamberto Caravita,  Walter Pennacchi, David Dellafiora, Marino Rossetti, Clemente Pandin,  Fernando Calhau, Ankie Van Dijk – Baerle, M. Kostiuk, Parygin, Collagisten Sin Fronteras CSF U, Yamandù Cuevas, Enzo Patti, Franco Panella, Grupo Gralha Azul, Jane Balconi, Janis R. Nedela,  Agostino Tulumello,  Emanuele Marsigliotti,  Serse Luigetti,  Danilo Artist (Micheletto), Torquato La Mattina, Bruno Chiarlone, Csaba Pál, Ásgrimur Kuldaboli Borhallson, Mario Lagos, Claudio Cavalieri, Andrea Pozza, the master decorator and artist Gentile Polo from Mezzolombardo (Tn, IT).

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)