Moving Pol'Art

Giorgio Gaber, me ... and Alfonso Masi in the Rosmini room

Sold out yesterday for the show "Io, Giorgio Gaber" (Giorgio Gaber, me) at the conference hall of the Antonio Rosmini Cultural Association! The tribute to the singer-songwriter who was invited to attend the Studio d'Arte Gentile Polo was taken care of by the ironic elegance of the actor Alfonso Masi, accompanied by the voice and guitar of Patrick Coser and the accordion of the faithful Luciano Maino.   (In photo: from left, Alfonso Masi at acting, Patrick Coser on guitar, Luciano Maino on accordion and in the foreground on the right, the master decorator Gentile Polo).   Giorgio "Gaber" Gaberščik (Milan, 25 January 1939 - Montegnano di Camaiore, 1 January 2003) was one of the most influential singers and guitarists of Italian music after World War II. Forerunner of the theater - song, he made his debut in 1959 at the Teatro Girolamo in Milan, in 1960 he became passionate about the work of Dario Fo with whom he recorded My friend Aldo and in 1970 he created "Mr. G" and abandoned the glossy television success for the most concrete theater where he does not play a role but finally himself:
"The late sixties was an extraordinary period, full of tension, of desire, beyond the political and other events that we know, and making television had become debasing. I was a little sickened by a certain formula, the his limitations of censorship, language, expressiveness "(from Giorgio Gaber by G. Harari in" Rockstar "of January 1993)
"I discovered that the theater was more congenial to me, I enjoyed it more, it allowed me a direct expression, without the mediation of the disc or a camera between the artist and his audience. The revenue was certainly less than the proceeds resulting from the sale of the discs, but I earned enough not to have to suffer the choice of field. " (from Goganga to the Child God, edited by C. Pino in "Amico treno" of 1997)
  The successes will continue until the early lung disease that will lead him to record the last album My generation has lost that will be released posthumously. The actor Alfonso Masi reminds us that the funeral took place in the abbey of Chiaravalle, where he had married forty years before, accompanied by his song Libertà (Freedom):
"Freedom is not standing on a tree / It is not even an opinion Freedom is not a free space / Freedom is participation "
  The tribute "Io, Giorgio Gaber" has been so successful with the public that the conference hall of the Antonio Rosmini Cultural Association (TN) could not contain all those who wanted to attend the show of actor Alfonso Masi. In the first twenty minutes of the show I was able to witness in the last few rows also unedifying scenes, with verbal exchanges and claims of prevarication on the regularly seated public by both men (sigh!) of women forgetting the common education in order to have won it. It is a shame that the age of the rude turned around the retirement age, but fortunately the reciting voice of the actor Alfonso Masi and of the guitarist Patrick Coser have forced to silence even the most irreducible allowing everyone to enjoy the tribute to Gaber. Upon exiting the show, the artist Gentile Polo recalled with emotion Giorgio Gaber as a free thinker, a friend of the painter Alessandro Luporini (Viareggio, 12 July 1930) with whom the singer wrote many of his most famous texts:
"Luporini and I work in a curious way. We see each other in Viareggio in summer, where he is a painter, and we talk about what interests us and what happens around us" (from Ed now I tell you the feelings of a man of today by A. Bandettini, in "La Repubblica" of 28 October 1986)
  And he remembers him in Trento and when he participated in 1981, with Francesco Guccini and Franco Battiato, at the fundraising concert for the newspaper "Lotta continua" at the Pala Lido in Milan, an event that brings to mind the youthful and active participation in the party . In general, the cultural show "Io, Giorgio Gaber" curated by Alfonso Masi and completed by the music of Patrick Coser and Luciano Maino was widely appreciated by the public who in the most emotional moments actively participated singing together the songs of "Mr. G" . We are therefore looking forward to the next event of actor Alfonso Masi, continue to follow us!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)