Moving Pol'Art

Covid, Grenzen and the frontier of Art: overcoming barriers

Covid (coronavirus) has upset not only the commercial and relational world, but also the artistic world, so much so that international museums have to digitize rooms and guided visits and to postpone, if not cancel, many exhibition events. Even the newly created Kunst Grenzen Gallery - Frontier art was forced by events to postpone the inaugural collective exhibition "Grenzen".   The Kunst Grenzen - Frontier art cultural association currently led by the artists Gentile Polo, Claudio Cavalieri, Andrea Pozza, Sandro Ramani, Fabrizio Marizza and the Eng. Damiano Martorelli, obviously remains confident that our Country will overcome this difficult moment, as has always happened in the past. Therefore projected positively to the future we continue the works at the Gallery while respecting the anti - Covid (coronavirus) regulations thanks to the fact that the room is an extension of the home of the artist Gentile Polo and therefore it is possible to move from one room to another while remaining " at home". The President of the Cultural Association Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art and myself (Lucia Martorelli, Assistant of the Gentle Polo Art Studio and secretary of the Cultural Association Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art) are therefore able to continue the work serenely to always offer a something more to all those who will take advantage of the exhibition hall and to art lovers who will visit our events. We gave the newborn Gallery a corner of history with some installations of wallpapers detailed entirely by hand by master decorators and a collection of stencil rolls belonging to the father of the artist Gentile Polo and passed on to his son when he managed to found his own company of decoration, the Pitture e Decori Di Polo Gentile e C. S.n.c. (Paintings and decorations of Polo Gentile and C. Snc.).     We have also added an additional internal lighthouse placed above the bezel of the door which, by throwing the light towards the sails ceiling, offers a more complete soft lighting for a correct visibility of the works of art. On-line, in addition to the already operational Facebook page / KunstGrenzen-Artedifrontiera / we are opening a page dedicated to the Gallery that can also be consulted by those who are not registered on Facebook. Through the new on-line page it will be possible not only to consult the aims and statute of the Association linked to the Gallery, to have Google Map indications on how to reach it and to know in real time the Members who are part of it, but also to keep up to date on the events scheduled and view comfortably from home the works of the artists who from time to time will exhibit with us. As for the garden in front of the Gallery and which connects the house visited by the artist Gentile Polo, it was decided to graft a hedge border with robust agazzino plants (Pyracantha Coccinea or Firethorn or Red Column), which do not require special care but as they grow they will provide a natural outline to the whole, with white blooms in spring and delicious red berries in autumn and winter.     To cheer up the corners instead we preferred wild but very fragrant flowers, such as white daffodils and orange hyacinths for the under wall, in contrast to the roses and yellow daffodils mixed in Muscari (Cipollaccio) and blue hyacinths of the opposite flowerbed located at the entrance of the house artist visitable on request. While other small details are being refined, we hope to update you as soon as possible on the resumption of the "Grenzen" exhibition, of which we continue to collect adhesions! The exhibition "Grenzen" (Borders) is only postponed, but always in programming so keep following us virtually on these pages!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)