Moving Pol'Art


Four magical appointments with YOGARTE - workshops for children of Art in movement are waiting for you for this Summer 2020! The afternoons of your children will be colored with the fantastic artistic workshops of screen printing, cyanotyping, creation of mandalas with forest material and drawing on fabric, while the positive energies of Yoga will give life to games, animated stories, yoga cards!     Two and a half hours of color and fun for all children in four appointments on Saturday afternoon: on June 27 and July 25 at the Kunst Grenzen Gallery of Modern and Contemporary Art - Frontier art of Oak of the Moon, on July 11 and on August 8 Yoga in the open air among the unspoiled nature of Mezzocorona Mountain in Spiazzi locality. To design and conduct these magical workshops are two young but already experienced in their sector, Valentina Polo from Punto Yogin and Annalia Devigili from Punto Cornice. Valentina Polo is Yoga Teacher certified at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan school (New Delhi) and Yoga Alliance / CSEN diploma, with many years of experience in the world of childhood, Annalia Devigili works as a freelancer with teaching experiences in the field of art graphics and workshop at the "Giovanni e Irene Cova Foundation" private school in Milan.   (In the photo: from the right, the Yoga Teacher Valentina Polo of Yoga Hub Trento and Annalia Devigili of Punto Cornice).   There are therefore four YOGARTE events on Saturday to which children can register (registration can be chosen for the single day or several days, or follow all the appointments) for four summer afternoons full game, Yoga and color: June 27 - Kunst Grenzen Gallery (realization of drawings with the cyanotype technique); 11 July - Mezzocorona Mountain (locality Spiazzi) (creation of mandala with material from the forest); July 25 - Kunst Grenzen Gallery (realization of drawings with the silk-screen technique); August 8 - Mezzocorona Mountain (Spiazzi locality) (creation of a shared canvas with finger colors).   In case of bad weather, the meetings will still be held but at the Kunst Grenzen - Arte di frontiera Gallery (Via Villotta 7 / A) in the historic center of Rovere della Luna (Tn-Italy, Villotta 7/A Str.), in front of the nursery school. To participate in the YOGARTE workshops for children on the move simply contact the organizers. For the creative activities of YOGARTE it is advisable to participate wearing comfortable clothes that can get dirty playing freely, while gembiuli and disposable gloves will be provided by the teachers. In compliance with the COVID-19 regulations, remember to wear the mask to protect all children. The registration costs are really easy and within everyone's reach, as well as including the materials provided for the performance of the YOGARTE recreational activities and provide a fee of only 15.00 Euros for the individual days to choose and book with the teachers. For those who choose to participate in all four meetings or also register their little brother or sister, a large discount will be applied: 50.00 (per child) instead of 60 Euros, therefore with a saving of 10 Euros per child! What are you waiting for? YOGARTE - the workshops for children of Art in motion await you for a Summer full of games, Yoga and color in freedom! Choose the fun and contact us at: tel. 345 4572402 - Valentina tel. 338 7869263 - Annalia or the President of the Kunst Grenzen - Arte di frontiera Gallery: tel. 335 6079154 - Mr. Gentile Polo. YOGARTE - Workshops for children of Art in movement is a reality in collaboration with:

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)