Moving Pol'Art

ARTIgiano (at the COVID-19 time)

ARTIgiano (at the COVID-19 time) exhibits from 10 July to 01 August at the Kunst Grenzen - Frontier art Gallery of Oak of the Moon (IT - Tn).     The bi-personal art exhibition of Luciano Padovani and Gentile Polo inaugurated yesterday, Friday 10 July, at 6 pm in the presence of a large audience and the authorities in the people of the Mayor of Rovere della Luna Mr. Luca FERRARI, the provincial councilor Lorenzo OSSANNA, the President of the Pro Loco Mr. Marco GRUBER and the Architect Bruno PEDRI.   (In the photo: from the left, the Provincial Councilor Lorenzo Ossanna, the Veronese artist Luciano Padovani, the Trentino master Gentile Polo, the President of the Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna Mr. Marco Gruber, the mayor Mr. Luca Ferrari and the Architect Bruno Pedri).   The event was born from a proposal by the architect Bruno Pedri to consolidate the friendship of two territories, that of Trentino and Verona, and to bring into dialogue two life experiences that bring together the ancient understanding of the ARTS as a union of craftsmanship knowledge client and the free explanation of Beauty. Luciano Padovani (Verona, 1940 -), a life as a marble worker first as an employee then as a founder of ARTE MARMO 82, carries on his passion for painting since his diploma as a Master of Art in 1962 and in 2002 he already presents his first anthological art exhibition at the Fine Arts of Verona.   (In the photo: "Roman Verona" by Luciano Padovani and "The barrel makes its way on Claudia Augusta Street" by Gentile Polo, painted on the occasion of the traveling art exhibition "The Claudia Augusta Street from 46 AD to 2046" and admirable at the Kunst Grenzen - Frontier art Gallery for the event: ARTIgiano (at the COVID-19 time), until 01 August 2020).   Gentile Polo (Mezzolombardo, 1954 -) graduated with honors as a student worker in pictorial decoration at the Alessandro Vittoria Art Institute in Trento (IT) and, after a period of work in photolithography, he opened his own pictorial decoration company. Although the work of craftsmanship allows him to live decently with the family, it is Art that has attracted him since he was a child and continues to hatch during his maturity until the African revelation of color and its different perception in the world that definitively detonates in he the urgent need to paint his own vision of beauty. His commitment was rewarded in 2007 in Trieste with the award of the prestigious Spatola silver prize and in the most recent 2018 with the official inclusion in the Catalog of Trentino Artists by the Civic Art Gallery of Trento.  

(In the photo: from left, Veronese artist Luciano Padovani and colleague Gentile Polo).

From 10 July to 01 ^ August the two masters of color will therefore perform at the Kunst Grenzen - Frontier art Gallery with the bi-personal exhibition ARTIgiano (at the COVID-19 time).

Like the mythical two-faced Janus, the two artists are projected to the future of art but with a strong awareness of the past, which has made them craftsmen. Both creators, modelers of matter and color, tell the key to the change that has led them through time. Luciano Padovani, Veronese sculptor and painter, fragments the forms through color where the colleague from Trentino Gentile Polo splits the light in his primaries, because for both it is no longer the form, as such, that is important, but the perception that each of we own it.  

(In the photo: "Maternity" by Luciano Padovani and "The myth of horse" by Gentile Polo on display at the art exhibition ARTIgiano (at the COVID-19 time) at the Kunst Grenzen- frontier Art Gallery).

Like the creator Janus, the two artists give life to a reality that is for them, parallel semantic universes similar and different in equal measure that give us to observation, but impalpable and delicate in their expressive force and message in time of coronavirus: remember the past and find strength to reinvent your future!

Within the event ARTIgiano (at the COVID-19 time) Saturday 18 July the poetic evening will be held: PORTRAIT: portraits of poetry that will see a dozen poets confront each other with the sound of emotional and emotional verses.

The ten poets will represent three Trentino poetic groups: the Piana Rotaliana, the group of Laives and that of Trento and will have the honor of being accompanied by the notes of Franco Tessadri's guitar.

ARTIgiano (at the COVID-19 time) can be visited until 01st August every afternoon, from Tuesday to Saturday, from 3 to 7 pm.

Exceptional closure on July 28th due to a business trip of the Kunst Grenzen Association - Frontier art outside the region, in Limone sul Garda for the annual event "Art in the alleys".

The Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art Gallery is also accessible for people with walking difficulties.

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)