Moving Pol'Art

ARTE TRENTINA: the magazine presented itself at the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Gallery

Arte Trentina magazine celebrated on Saturday 10 October the first year of activity at the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Gallery in Rovere della Luna (It - Tn).   Executive Director Warin Dusatti presented the illustrated quarterly magazine dedicated to Art to the public of artists and enthusiasts, but with a particular focus on Trentino Art. The magazine therefore covers an informative chasm, as the specialized "colleagues" barely touch the Trentino artists of the beginning of the century but ignore the wide-ranging contemporary artistic activity, which operates on the territory and beyond and only asks to be known great audience. (In the photos, two moments of the presentation of the magazine Arte Trentina at the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Gallery. Photo: Ing. Dott. Martorelli Damiano.)   The magazine was presented by the Chief Editor in person Warin Dusatti and by his cousin Eleonora Dusatti, who takes care of the editorial staff; the art expert Mrs. Roberta Bonazza, on the other hand, could not be present. The godfather of the evening was the Trentino artist Claudio Cavalieri, who organized the evening on the occasion of the anthological exhibition Memoria Tridimensionale (Tridimensional Memory) for his 53-year career. The artist introduced the guests and placed himself as a voice for in-depth analysis of the current problems that present themselves to contemporary artists from Trentino (Italy). The evening had a good response from the public despite the current restrictions due to covid-19 and also saw the participation of well-known artists, such as the watercolorist Renata Di Palma, the master of abstract fabric Margaret Nella, as well as the President Kunst Grenzen - Frontier art Mr. Gentile Polo, the poet Alberto Sighele and Vito Nomade of Radio Music Trento. The magazine Arte Trentina places great importance
"to the social function of art in the local area and its contemporary meaning; through targeted reflections, the various problems connected to it are analyzed in depth. Particular attention is also paid to past and recent art publications: from exhibition catalogs, to those free from exhibitions, to non-fiction and documentary volumes. Finally, there are also reports of exhibitions and events in the region included in the dedicated section. "  
In addition to Warin and Eleonora Dusatti, the magazine Arte Trentina boasts collaborations with Roberta Bonazza, Fiorenzo Degasperi and Marcello Nebl as art experts and Valentina Serafini in the editorial office. As mentioned above, the magazine Arte Trentina is published quarterly (October, January, April, July) at La Grafica srl in Mori (TN) and is currently distributed up to Verona (Italy). The editorial staff is open to art articles written by external collaborators, graduates and more that can be proposed through the official website. (In the photos, Warin and Eleonora Dusatti having dinner with the staff of the cultural association Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera di Rovere della Luna: Claudio Cavalieri, the engineer Dr. Damiano Martorelli and the President of the Gentile Polo association. Photos: Ing. Dr. Martorelli Damiano.)   The presentation of the magazine Arte Trentina then continued in a convivial way with a dinner at the Da Germana pizzeria in Rovere della Luna with the staff of the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Cultural Association, the artists Gentile Polo and Claudio Cavalieri and Eng. Dr. Damiano Martorelli, the video shoot volunteer Paolo Ober and the owners of Radio Music Trento. To learn more, visit the web page: Arte Trentina magazine is also partner and sponsor of the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Gallery!

(Lucia Martorelli - Gentile Polo Art Studio)