Moving Pol'Art

CLOUDS - 100 artists to remember ... the world of art one year after the pandemic

"CLOUDS - 100 artists to remember" (Original title: NUVOLE – 100 artisti per ricordare) is the next art exhibition that will open on Thursday 6 May 2021 at the Venetian gallery Visionialtre (Othervisions) by Adolfina de Stefani. "CLOUDS - 100 artists to remember" (NUVOLE – 100 artisti per ricordare) is the title of this great installation and is intended to be a commemorative action in remembrance, one year after the PANDEMIC, of the victims of the pandemic in all their meanings. Those lives are like clouds suspended on the horizon
"... that tear the horizon dominated by a motion that - now - in stillness, appears to be arrested, lives still present in their indelible carnal sign: strong and irreplaceable. CLOUDS light image that leads to imaginary worlds where energies intertwine and hover carelessly while the whole world is undergoing a change. Necessary change, a transformation where death must necessarily be seen as a regeneration [...] In this departure we are left with memories, a historical stratification of polyvalent plots ... which remain alive so that they can still speak to us. "
From 6 to 28 May, therefore, a dedicated and delicate exhibition will be inaugurated, in terms of the themes and feelings expressed, which takes its cue in the title from a large installation at the Visionialtre Gallery already located in a place steeped in history or the Campo del Ghetto Novo (IT - Venice).
“I look at the clouds up there, in the blue sky and up there, there you are. in your bubble you were tired and no longer struggled. Now you are free in the white clouds. As they arrive, you go and return in my memory. " (Vincenzo)  

The collective exhibition "CLOUDS - 100 artists to remember" (NUVOLE – 100 artisti per ricordare) perhaps starts from the cue of the stumbling blocks (in German Stolpersteine) born from the successful initiative of the artist Günter Demnig to deposit the memory of the victims deported to extermination camps on the urban pavement; in our case the stones are artist's square tiles, made of various materials, 10 cm on each side and dedicated to one or more people who have left us.

The event is curated by Aurora Cappello and during the inauguration on Thursday 6 May from 7.00 pm the public will be able to attend the performance "Journey of the Departure" by the artists Antonello Mantovani and Adolfina de Stefani.

"Many heterogeneous messages that communicate that art never dies, it is a clear, sincere source, rich in creativity, which quenches its tributaries"

In addition to the same gallery owner Ms. Adolfina de Stefani, who presents a work entitled "Contagio" in memory of Emanuele Severino, among the artists who accepted the invitation to remember all the victims of the Covid-19 pandemic we find: Aurora Cappello, Annamaria Dri, Alessandra Gusso, Agustina Perez Pellegrini, Iryna Ozarynska, Lucia Fornarini, Marija Markovic, Marisa Merlin, Silvia Cegalin, Maristella Martellato, Nelli Cordioli, Maria Credidio, Piera De Nicolao, Ombretta Gazzola, Sandra Marzorati, Margherita Piccardo, Maria Nikolic, Manuela Simoncelli, Renata Tabanelli, Renata Strada, Mariella Bogliacino, Franco Ballabeni, Salvio Capuano, Teo de Palma, Armando Di Nunzio, Alessandro Ferrari, Mauro Fornasier, Leo Francini, Flavio Galletti, Marino Marinoni, Fernando Montà, Clemente Padin, Giovanni Pinosio, Carlo Pucci, Claudio Scaranari, Paolo Seghizzi, Dino Sileoni, Angelo Stagno, Giovanni Strada, Giovanni Oscar Urso and the master decorator and President Kunst Grenzen-Frontier Art Mr. Gentile Polo.   (In photo: “Courage” of the artist Ms. Barbara Cappello, dedicated to Michela Dorigatti, remembering Luis Sepúlveda, a "daughter" acquired very dear to me, because the future of courage will also begin with someone like her... because sometimes it happens that you are a cat who teaches a seagull to fly!)   Others have addressed a thought to their adored mother, such as Tommaso Vassalle, or in any case to a loved one such as Rossella Ricci to Vincenzo, the Trentino artist Matteo Boato to Mimo Boato, Giancarlo Pucci to Sister Germana, Maria Teresa Bortoletto commemorates the partisan Lidia Menapace, Leo Franceschi remembers Francesco Battagia trade unionist CGIL, Andrej Mussa pays homage to Alfonsina herself in life, or to the land of Etna as Fazekas Zoltan. Other artists wanted to remember famous local or international personalities and victims of the pandemic themselves:
  • Andreina Argiolas, Grazia Giani, Oronzo Liuzzi, Imerio Rovelli (with the work dedicated to Germano Celant);
  • Michela Baldi, the FIDA - Trento President Barbara Cappello, Agnese Cunego, Sabina Romanin, Marcella Foccardi, Chiara Ballone and Daniele Cuoghi (for Louis Sepùlveda) while Mirta Caccaro also remembers Christo and, together with his colleague Sandro di Cesare, also the famous critic of Philippe Daverio art;
  • the art critic Lea Vergine is honored instead by Giuliana Cobalchini and Diana Isa Vallini, the critic Germano Celant is in the thoughts of Greta Boato, while Gian Paolo Lucato remembers Gillo Dorfles;
  • the photographer Giovanni Gastel is in the thoughts of the artists Carmela Corsitto, Laura Maria Mino, Gianni Sandonà and Lamberto Caravita, Guglielmo Barbetta is remembered by Dipriori, while his colleague Bob Krieger is honored by Maria Manuela Codazzi;
  • Cristina Cortese, Valentina Braghetto, Giorgio Trinciarelli and Pier Roberto Bassi commemorate the architect Vittorio Gregotti, while his colleague Yona Friedman is remembered by Elena Dell’Andrea;
  • The Designer Enzo Mari is instead in the thoughts of the artist Antonio Picardi, Cini Boeri is remembered instead by Mario Verdiani;
  • "La Chigi" dedicates the work to the artist Sergio Bernardi, while Dipriori remembers Guglielmo Barbetti, Marco Ferrari dedicates the work to the artist Turi Simeti, Carla Bertola remembers Romi Trentini, while the Filipino artist David Medalla is honored by Antonio Sassu;
  • Riccardo Parenti introduces himself with a tribute to professor Davide Frisoli;
  • Claudio Jaccarino remembers E. Cavrasco;
  • the archaeologist Orietta Maestro is in the thoughts of the artist Serena Poletti;

(In the photo on the right: NUVOLE triptych, watercolor on wood, by the artist Gentile Polo of the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera cultural Association for the commemorative event of the same name created at the Visionialtre Gallery of Alfonsina de Stefani and curated by Aurora Cappello)

From the world of entertainment the singer Thione Seck is remembered with the artist Claudia Coro ', Claudio Grandinetti pays homage to the singer Boom girl Elisabetta Imelio, Giuseppe Zanon remembers the drummer of Pooh Stefano D'Orazio, Vittore Baroni dedicates the work to the record producer Hal Willner, Antonello Mantovani pays tribute to the late young actor Vito Molaro, while Patrizia Nicolini and Mariano Bellarosa remember Lucia Bosè.

The world of fashion receives Loretta Cappanera's tribute for the late Eleonora Fiorani, Anja Mattila Tolvanen remembers Kenzo Tokada and Paola Turra the designer Fiorella Mancini.

Even some poets are honored: Silvia Favaretto participates in the exhibition "CLOUDS - 100 artists to remember" with a tribute work to the poet Gabriella Valera Gruber, Lucia Guidorizzi and Fabio Burigana remember the poet Aldo Vianello, Valeria Sangiorgi remembers Ivan Fassio, Benedetta Jandolo dedicates the work to the poet Marco Ribani, Alberto Vitacchio remembers Francesco Mandrino; Some artists have dedicated the work to different characters, such as Piero Biasion with a work dedicated to Lanfranco Baldi and Roberto Cerbai, Guidonia Stevanato who thought of Egidio Novello, Lidia Menapace, Ann Katharine Mitchel, Philippe Daverio, Ennio Morricone, Francesco de Francesco and Gino Fasol and Rosanna La Spesa that pays homage to Sepùlveda, Lidia Menapace, Milva, Ezio Bosso, Franca Valeri, Sergio Zavoli, Stanley Cohen, Rossana Rossanda, Lea Vergine, Ebru Timtik, Ellis Marsalis, Manu Dibango. The VERNISSAGE of the collective exhibition "CLOUDS - 100 artists to remember" (NUVOLE – 100 artisti per ricordare) will take place on Thursday 6 May 2021 from 7.00 pm at the VISIONIALTRE Gallery of Alfonsina de Stefani (Campo del Ghetto Novo 2918 - 30121 Venice - / Tel . +39 349 868 2155) and will continue until May 28, 2021 with the following visiting hours: Wednesday - Sunday 11:00 - 14:00 | 16:00 - 20:00.  

(Article by Martorelli Lucia – Gentile Polo Art Studio & Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera cultural Association)