Moving Pol'Art

The House of Phonetic Painting opens in Rovereto and showcases… wood and heart!

HOUSE OF PHONETIC PAINTING (Original name: Casa della Pittura fonetica) by the artist Alberto Sighele opens on 5 June 2021 in Rovereto with the exhibition "The Wood and the Heart" with four exceptional artists: Guadalupe Zepeda, Gentile Polo, La Chigi and Claudio Cavalieri. The exhibition represents the first experiment of interaction between the artist's houses and the private gallery Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art, making the artistic pictorial aspect interact with the phonetic poetry promoted by the owner himself, Alberto Sighele. The art exhibition will continue until June 30, animating every Wednesday (09, 16, 23, 30 June from 18.30) with a musical and artistic symposium that will pay homage to the artists on display in turn.  

(In the photo: official poster of the event.)

It will start on Wednesday 09 June with the works of La Chigi, followed by the evening of Wednesday 16 with the master Gentile Polo, on the 23rd it will be the opportunity to meet Claudio Cavalieri of Event Art while on the 30th a tribute to the artist and performance by Guadalupe Zepeda . The artists' works will be on display in the "Barefoot's Hall", so named to encourage the viewer to a complete sensorial immersion between touch, sight and hearing: the perception of warm natural wood with the soles of the feet rises and merges with the view of the strongly characterizing works of each author and the background music on the relaxing tones of the F note. Each wall of the room is dedicated to one of the four artists, as many as there are ventricles of the fourth chakra or the heart from which the title of the exhibition, which interact with everything thanks to the wise use of mirrors.   Guadalupe Zepeda (S. Martin Texmelucan, 1973 -) is a very talented Mexican artist who has lived for years in Trentino-Alto Adige. She graduated in 2001 in Visual Arts at the University of Art - Architecture and Design Guadalajara UDG, in 2002 she founded the Frida Kahlo Art School in her hometown and promoted the construction of the city's cultural center. In 2007 she went to the Taller del Prado Art Academy in Madrid to enhance her artistic development and in 2008 she moved to Trentino-Alto Adige for love. At the House of Phonetic Painting by Alberto Sighele she exhibits an installation created ad hoc for the collective event Wood and the heart: "Milagritos or little miracles":
"... reflects on the nature of the incident and the divine, of the masculine and the feminine in their relationship through the heart, itself an intermediary between body and spirit, with a large installation, a concrete example of Mexican culture, which unites starting from a former I vote the various elements in an intimate dialogue ”(Chiara Girardi).    
Claudio Cavalieri (Trento, 1950 -) obtained the artistic high school diploma in Applied Art at the Alessandro Vittoria Art Institute in 1972 and has been teaching Art Education since 1977. Since 1989 his already material pictorial works have resulted in a marked three-dimensionality that identifies them as “picto-sculptures”, with compositions and installations in wood, including salvaged ones, including the Vaia cycle. Since 2002 he has been a member of the commissions of the Autonomous Province of Trento (Italy) for art competitions in public bodies and is President of the Event Art Association and since 2020 vice President of the cultural association Kunst Grenzen  - Arte di frontiera of Rovere' della Luna (IT - Tn). For two years he has been conducting the program "Appointment with the Trentino artists" on the web broadcaster Radio Music Trento by Vito Nomade which he will transform into group exhibitions starting from Saturday 12 June at the private gallery Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera by the artist Gentile Polo (Rovere 'della Luna, Villotta Str. 7/A). For the inaugural event of the House of Phonetic Painting by Alberto Sighele Claudio Cavalieri presents the picto - sculptures "Nell'albero", "Symphonies among the branches" and "Last August Moon" made with reclaimed wood.   Ms. La Chigi (Bassano del Grappa, 1979 -) graduated in Modern Literature with a historical-artistic address (Trento) and began her artistic activity in the 2000s: starting from a vintage base of reuse, she creates installations and mini dioramas in boxes of various shapes and sizes that focus attention on the human and existential situation represented. For "The wood and the heart" she creates the final poster of the event in collaboration with Alberto Sighele and presents the installation "Special Openings" with which she deconstructs a body into a fragmented cross of object planes, full and empty to be filled like the life of each of us.   Gentile Polo (Mezzolombardo, 1954 -) student worker, graduated in 1976 in Painting Decoration at the Vittoria Art Institute of Trento and in 1990 obtained the recognition of the professional figure of "Decorator" by performing works in Trentino-Alto Adige, Lombardy and Bavaria. In 2004 he obtained from the A.N.A.E.P.A. (National Association of Artisans Constructions, Decorators Painters and Similar) the coveted "Silver Spatula" recognition for the work done, the teaching activity at the CentroFor in Trento (Center for Professional Training and Accident Prevention) and as a Councilor within the 'Artisans Association of the Autonomous Province of Trento. Since 2007 he has devoted himself to painting exhibiting throughout Italy, Spain (Barcelona), Germany and Ethiopia, where he also actively collaborates with various humanitarian associations; in 2010 he founded the cultural association Piana Rotaliana and in 2020 the cultural association Kunst Grenzen-Border Art. For the inauguration of Alberto Sighele's House of Phonetic Painting he brings on display two studies on the textures of the skin, in particular of the bark of trees with the works "Cortex 1 and 2" where the light is fragmented in its primary colors and moves and it shines in apparent shapes and shadows that are recomposed in our visual memory by observing the whole.   On the occasion of the inauguration of 05 June and the artistic Wednesdays (09, 16, 23 and 30 June), open to the public from 18.30, the artist and host Alberto Sighele will perform with Roza Yurchenko in a poetic-theatrical show with the accompaniment of Renzo Vigagni, Franco Giuliani and others in the musical key of the F, the note of the heart. We are therefore waiting for you on Saturday 5 June 2021 from 6.30 pm for the inauguration of the House of Phonetic Painting by Alberto Sighele (ROVERETO, Via Giovanni Ida Giovannini, 13) with the exhibition "Wood and the heart" which will continue until 30 June with the following times: SATURDAY: 15.00 - 19.00 SUNDAY: 10.00 - 12.00 / 15.00 - 19.00 WEEKDAYS: by appointment (Tel. +39 388 936 4977 ALBERTO - +39 348 882 2065 ROZA)   In compliance with the anti-pandemic regulations of Covid-19, access to the spaces is allowed to a maximum of 6 people at a time, with a mask; for a better sensory experience, it is advisable to enter the exhibition "Wood and the heart" without shoes. Find the House of Phonetic Painting of the poet and artist Alberto Sighele also on TripAdvisor! ___________   Follow the events of the House of Phonetic Painting on the website: or events in collaboration with the Kunst Grenzen-Border Art Cultural Association on the website:     (In the photo: base of the original poster created by the guest artist Alberto Sighele.)  

(Art. Lucia Martorelli - Cultural Association Kunst Grenzen-Border Art &

Gentile Polo Art Studio, 03 June 2021. Photo Gentile Polo and TripAdvisor:

Lucia Martorelli; profile photo: artists; group photo: Roza Yurchenko.)