Moving Pol'Art

Investigations and mysteries at the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera gallery with ... THE DIARY by Vito Nomade

The gothic atmospheres of the ghost writer Mr. Vito Nomade "The diary" (Il diario) inaugurated the Christmas holidays on Saturday 27 November at the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Gallery in Rovere 'della Luna (Tn, IT).
"The night opens on the edge of the abyss - he read aloud. The gates of hell are closed: you try them at your own risk. At your call something will awaken to answer you. I leave this gift to humanity: here are the keys. Look for the locks; be satisfied. But listen to what Abdul Alhazred says: I first found them ... and I went crazy. "(From THE DIARY by Vito Nomade, Ed. Mnamon 2021)
  The editorial presentation opened immediately in an electrifying way with the surprise intervention of the Trentino Tv journalists who interviewed the author of the novel Vito Nomade, who also spent words of thanks for the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Cultural Association aps, who is carrying on the dialogue between the Arts with conviction and stubbornness, also facilitating the editorial efforts of the young authors, and for some specific members of the active staff of the association who enthusiastically proposed and supported the evening.  
"The decision to combine the sacred with the profane is by Lucia Martorelli [...] who, together with the president Gentile Polo and all the members, carries out many artistic initiatives with great success. Such as the presentations of books." (from "The diary" (Il diario) second chapter of the trilogy born from the imagination of Vito Nomade." Art. appeared on Radio Music Trento on 25 November 2021).
  The evening then continued in the presence of the Regional Councilor Mr. Lorenzo Ossanna and the President of the Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna Mr. Marco Gruber with the presentation of the author also to the public attended by the Vice President Kunst Grenzen Mr. Claudio Cavalieri . Vito nomad then broadly told the story that begins in the first volume "The Shadows of Michelle" for all those who have not yet read and from which "The diary" (Il diario) takes up and unravels the intricate and dark story, complete with unsolved murders, investigations by the police and travels through Northern Italy that will take the protagonist to the historic city of the Ecumenical Council of the Catholic Church, Trento (Italy).
"The first book - explains the author - was born as a single and independent work. Then friends and my editor (Mnamon ed) insisted on the follow up. The DIARY was therefore born, which is not a diary in the strictest sense of the term, but rather the co-star of the story. While the former was decidedly obscure, this new book is more of a thriller. Michelle Bruni finds an ancient book, a diary, which tells the story of her family and the probable link with the otherworldly or hellish world, against which Michelle fought and saved herself in extremis thanks to a young police inspector. Il Diario is a thriller complete with investigations by the Como Police Headquarters. But the protagonist decides to look for her too in Trento, where she discovers many things, including that her mother lived her childhood and adolescence at Palazzo Galasso. It's fun. "(From" Il Diario, second chapter of the trilogy born from the imagination of Vito Nomade. "Art. Appeared on Radio Music Trento on 25 November 2021).
  Together with Vito Nomade, the model Valentina Zanatta who, on the recommendation of the author's partner Adriana Nomade, gave her face to the beautiful protagonist of the gothic story "THE DIARY" (Il diario) and who received a wide consensus from the large audience who attended for the evening, despite the limitations due to the possession of a Green Pass. The evocative atmosphere of PRESEPIAMO 2021 (artistic nativity scene), an exhibition of artistic and handcrafted nativity scenes in the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Gallery until 8 January 2022, which apparently appeared as a counterpart to the editorial presentation of "The diary" (Il diario) by Vito Nomade, was instead an invitation to return to choose a book as a possible gift for next Christmas, because culture is not a dead word but a living, vital and always full of ideas for all genres and tastes of the general public. For the more uncompromising readers, it is possible to get a taste of the first volume "The Shadows of Michelle" on Books Google: and the second book "The diary" (Il diario): Both books are distributed in numerous editions both in format for Kindle and in traditional paper format. All that remains is to give us a thrill with the gothic novels of Vito Nomade, which awaits you every day also on the web frequencies of Radio Music Trento.

(Art. By Lucia Martorelli, Gentile Polo art studio and Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera Cultural Association aps)