Moving Pol'Art

CAN LOVE BE CORRUPTED? ... NEVER AGAIN - Review by Alenis Lauri for "Broken Lives" by Chiara Manente and Claudia Vazzoler -

Saturday evening, Rovere 'della Luna, two young Venetian women present their written-photographic project, reviewing photos and phrases: VIOLENCE AGAINST WOMEN. Chiara and Claudia are guests of the Kunst Grenzen art gallery, where Lucia and Gentile welcomed them with their distinguishing courtesy. I am available to bystanders for a dialogue, a thought on their works. So I know them, so distant for their diversity in the choice of tools to express their art, but more importantly so close in their opinions. Claudia exhibits chewed experiences and memories by composing poems and thoughts. Chiara observes the lens of her camera behind her, looking for the balance between herself and what she sees, between light and shadow, between all colors. I approached them after observing a couple of works, I found great complicity between them, so much so that I was able to converse with two voices, if you can say so. My feeling was to speak with a single mind, a perfect combination of colors and words, their artistic extensions also manifested themselves in their verb, so respectfully expressed. After a period of extreme distance and forced isolation, they manifested themselves with all the love for a WORLD to SHARE with everyone, even and above all if the sharing has an educational and social purpose. They brought their project to the Gallery, an environment that highlighted the works with its minimalist set-up with framed walls in wood and iron, which thanks to the theme of the exhibition, created a feeling of being inside an immense aviary. This slight cage background enhances the journey. There, through the large empty spaces you can make yourself aware of man's shortcomings on the theme of the exhibition.

Broken lives: shots and words to remind us that we are not alone (original title: "Vite infrante: scatti e parole per ricordarci che non siamo sole") Of CHIARA MANENTE And CLAUDIA VAZZOLER From 5 to 26 March 2022 KUNST GRENZEN - ART OF THE FRONTIER Gallery

Italy, Tn - Rovere’ della Luna, Villotta Str. 7a

Doesn't leave you room,

you can't escape,

the sentences are in front of you

and you hear them with an echo,

while the pictures

There they stop you,

attract you

and make you fall

in the echo

that resonates in your brain.

My mind

he frowns at the quotations

of cigarette burns on the arms,

of deep fears lived in solitude.

Doubt has crept in

can love become violence?

The answer is under my eyes,


Unfortunately is the answer,


Love can be corrupted,

O ignorant,

like the person who expresses it.

Image taken from the project "Broken lives: shots and words to remind us that we are not alone" (Vite infrante: scatti e parole per ricordarci che non siamo sole).

Your responsibility will be laid bare, responsible because we are part of this society that does not seem to take the path of Respect and Love. The solution is education to respect everyone equally from primary school, as suggested in the intervention with the authorities by Chiara and Claudia. You will be catapulted into a horrid thought, pitted by wise letters and splendid photographs, with the hope of a happy ending. A path that plunges you inside. A doll with its head removed, looks at you and judges your murder of love, or storms that you go through happy just for the sight of a light in front of your path. All of them, and I would not have enough of your time to describe them, all have their own life, colors, words and strong emotions, which will welcome curious and attentive observers. All this, but even more! The works are waiting for you, get ready to be disheveled, shocked, investigated if men, approach and listen if women, this project SCREAMS in a low voice:


Poster of the project "Broken lives: shots and words to remind us that we are not alone" (Vite infrante: scatti e parole per ricordarci che non siamo sole)


(By Alenis Lauri, Review of the project "Broken lives: shots and words to remind us that we are not alone" [Vite infrante: scatti e parole

per ricordarci che non siamo sole] by Chiara Manente and Claudia Vazzoler, 11 March 2022, with the kind permission of the author).

NB1: Chiara Manente, who has always been passionate about photography, has in recent years refined her technique in the field to the point of obtaining several and important awards, including first place in the Pegognaga "Women in pandemic 2021" competition, first place at ULSS 4 competition "The friendly city of fragile people", the first prize at the "7th International Art Grand Prize" promoted by the Passepartout Unconventional Gallery and was selected in the Salerno "Time Capsule" project. Chiara Manente is also the creator of the "Sorsi dell'arte" exhibition space in Noventa di Piave.

NB2: Claudia Vazzoler, graduated in Padua in the History of Modern and Contemporary Italian Literature, with a second degree in Venice in Social Work with teaching qualification, and has since taught in various schools in the province of Venice. A prolific writer, she has numerous publications to her credit, including the latest works of 2021: "The fugitive and the girl without memory", "The imperfect fragility", "The slap", the short story "The attack" and "Petals of life".

NB3: Gentile Polo, (Mezzolombardo, 1954 -) as a working student he graduated with full marks in 1976 in pictorial decoration. In 2004 he was awarded the "Silver Spatula" for his professional activity as a decorator and teacher at the CentroFor (Professional Training Center) in Trento. He has been actively collaborating for years with Humanitarian Associations. Since 2007 he has dedicated himself to painting exhibiting in Italy and abroad. In his career he executed decorations and murals in many places and as a painter also many artistic interventions. He publishes a research on emigration, a collection of poems as well as an essay on the ancient technique of artificial marble. Currently he is also dedicated to the Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera aps Association of which he is founder and President.

NB4: Alenis Lauri was born in Gorizia and revealed poetic and artistic skills from an early age like her father Valter curator of the "Percorsi Di - Versi" review. Swimming instructor, a person with a deep sensitivity and love for nature, since 2021 he has been an honorary member of the cultural association Kunst Grenzen-Arte di frontiera aps in Rovere 'della Luna (IT, Tn - Villotta Str. 7 / A).

(Foto: Chiara Manente. Note in calce: di Lucia Martorelli,

Gentile Polo Art Studio & Kunst Grenzen-Art of  the frontier aps).