Moving Pol'Art


The rich and varied exhibition of artistic Nativity is back at the Kunst Grenzen gallery in Rovere della Luna with the event "NATIVITY SCENE: ART AND POETRY OF CHRISTMAS"(PRESEPIAMO: Arte e Poesia del Natale). The exhibition created by the Cultural Association Kunst Grenzen-Arte di Frontier aps in collaboration with the Municipality, Cassa Rurale and Pro Loco of Rovere' della Luna, is part of the circuit "The Joy of the Crib" which involves the whole town in the creation of a crib tourist. With the 2022 - 2023 edition of "NATIVITY SCENE: ART AND POETRY OF CHRISTMAS"(PRESEPIAMO: Arte e Poesia del Natale) the Kunst Grenzen Association exhibited more than sixty nativity scenes both in the traditional version, drawn, painted, embroidered, carved in wood or ceramic or in stone thanks to the skilful workmanship of artists and master craftsmen from Trentino and Alto Adige. The new artistic collaboration with the A.N.A.S.T.A.SI. A (Friends in Sacred Art between Architecture, Symbology, Iconography and Hagiography) and U.C.A.I. (Catholic Union of Italian Artists) of Trento. The crib masters who have generously collaborated in the initiative are: Lia Inama (from Salter, Val di Non) for the Anastasia group, the artists Anita Anibaldi, Giuliana Pojer, Angelo Orlandi, Marco Morelli and Udalrico Gottardi for the UCAI Trento group, Annamaria Adessi, Paola Gabrielli, Sarah Mutinelli, Angelo Magro, Damiano Martorelli, Ilario Dalvit, Luigi Ress, Paolo Frizzera, Lucia Martorelli, Roberto Lorenzini and Gentile Polo representing the Kunst Grenzen Association; and again Giuseppe Zambiasi, Emilio Pichler and Franco Pallaoro (from Mezzocorona), Claudio Toldo (Grumo – S. Michele all'Adige), Marcello Nardon (from Cembra), Ruggero Crivellaro, Carlo Margoni and Renato Zecchin (from Bolzano), Giovanni Tanel (Gardolo), Luciano Padovani (from Verona), Marco Ferrari (from Padua) and Mariano and Roberto Concin from Rovere della Luna.   On the occasion of the exchange of greetings for the Christmas holidays, the show "A star matures in the heart" (MATURA NEL CUORE UNA STELLA) was held on Saturday 17, staged by Trentino actors Ester D'Amato and Alfonso Masi at the Kunst Grenzen Gallery. The recital "A star matures in the heart" (MATURA NEL CUORE UNA STELLA) immersed the audience in the festive spirit through the recitation of both serious and comic prose and poetry related to Christmas, with the musical accompaniment of the historic trio Luciano Maino (accordion), Patrick Coser (guitar), Michele Tovazzi (double bass) who proposed well-known Christmas songs and others less known, but equally interesting from a musical point of view. The common message that binds the show is the celebration of Christmas which, in the Western world, manages to bind believers and non-believers in a message of peace, brotherhood, serenity and a return to childhood in its dimensions of innocence and sweetness. The show "Matura nel cuore una stella" was created by the Trentino actor Alfonso Masi in collaboration with the Kunst Grenzen association and local institutions such as the Municipality, Cassa Rurale and Pro Loco di Rovere della Luna.   Alfonso Masi, a teacher appreciated from 1976 to 2005, also held courses in theatrical animation, didactics of poetry and storytelling and in 2001 he published and managed "The newspaper at school" for the Alto Adige newspaper; there are also numerous poetic and musical theatrical performances interpreted over the years including the show "A star matures in the heart" (MATURA NEL CUORE UNA STELLA) presented back in 2008 at the Casa della SAT in Trento and today re-proposed at the Kunst Grenzen Gallery. The Kunst Grenzen Association – Arte di Frontier aps would like to thank all those who collaborated for the success of the event "NATIVITY SCENE: ART AND POETRY OF CHRISTMAS"(PRESEPIAMO: Arte e Poesia del Natale), in particular: the Municipality of Rovere della Luna and the Mayor Luca Ferrari, the Pro Loco with the President Marco Gruber, the honorary member Alenis Lauri for the inaugural presentation of the event, the Cantina Sociale RdL, the artists and craftsmen who made available the their works, the web technicians Ing. Damiano Martorelli Ph.D. and Lucia Martorelli, our President Kunst Grenzen Mr. Gentile Polo for transporting the works at his expense and coordinating the entire event, as well as the volunteers who have available time and effort (free of charge). Particular thanks also go to the ANASTASIA and UCAI – Trento Associations who enthusiastically contributed to the initiative and to the actors Ester D'Amato and Alfonso Masi and the musicians Luciano Maino, Patrick Coser and Michele Tovazzi for having made their talents available to interpret "A star matures in the heart" (MATURA NEL CUORE UNA STELLA), a show that enriched the "Presepiamo 2022-2023" exhibition with an evocative and important theatrical show. Kunst Grenzen gallery (Trento, Italy – 38030 Rovere' della Luna, Villotta Str. 7/A); email:

(Art. by Lucia Martorelli, 10.01.2023)