Moving Pol'Art

Butterfly wings 2023: solidarity with Iranian women is on show at Kunst Grenzen

With "Ali di farfalla 2023" (Butterfly wings 2023) solidarity with women victims of violence is on display at the Kunst Grenzen Gallery, with particular reference this year to the abuses perpetrated in Iran.   From 11 March to 2 April the event "Ali di farfalla 2023" (Butterfly wings 2023) will support the voice of Iranian women through works by Italian artists and not only on display open to the public at the Grenzen Kunst Gallery-Arte di Frontier aps. Among the Italian artists participating in the 2023 edition we find: Alba Chiara Baroni (courtesy of parents), Annamaria Adessi, Paola Gabrielli, Tiziana 'Tirtha' Giammetta, Margaret Nella, Sarah Mutinelli, Francesca Navone, Benedetta Jandolo, Lucia Sardagna, Renata di Palma, Luciana Zecchini, Palumbo Cristina, Alenis Lauri , Campana Stefano, Claudio Cavalieri, Gentile Polo, Ilario Dalvit, Lamberto Caravita, Lorenzo Pompeo Lombardo, Claudio Nicoli, Paolo Frizzera, Sandro Ramani, Paolo Ober, Mugdin Cehaic. The guest of the event will be the Iranian artist Ms. Setareh Rezvan, researcher with a master's degree in Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology at the University of Trento, who will lend no less than five works to the event "Ali di farfalla 2023" (Butterfly wings 2023).
"In Iran, the police don't have the task of protecting, as it could be in Italy, but they almost seem to want to clean up: everything you're doing, especially if you're a woman, never seems to be 'right' and the way the police work is always very violent. [...] at the University of Ferdowsi, in Iran [...] women were not allowed to talk to men. For me it was very strange: in my family, in the context in which I had lived up to that moment, I had experienced a more open-mindedness. Later, the security stopped me because I had put on a light green jacket, which was 'too attractive' : they gave me a letter in which I was summoned to the University Disciplinary Commission. During the hearing, they ordered me to write some sort of false confession, under the threat of not getting my degree. [...] the security and the university institutions ordered me to wear the chador, they forced me to submit to the blackmail of the Disciplinary Commission. [...] The majority of Iranian people who arrive in Trento are male and female students, people who stay here for a few years and then leave. [...] After the killing of Mahsa Amini, the desire to meet us has matured, to find who would be interested in protesting and we have also faced another problem: often, many Iranians who live abroad are afraid, they are not they want to be recognized or have their name known. This is because the Iranian government can endanger them and can endanger their loved ones living in Iran. So today about ten people have taken action in the organization, others still participate. [...] in the past, when protests erupted, censorship prevented people in Iran from telling the world what was happening. This time it's different because people like me, or activists, or influencers have started to tell: to tell continuously, without stopping. [...] What we Persians have is a very ancient and very rich culture, based on respect. If you think you find all this culture in the past and, today, instead this oppression, well this makes you angry and even more wanting to overthrow this government. If you talk about it with my mom, she always says it: if you see that the government doesn't respect you, well then know that your culture is a different thing." (from Interview with Setareh Rezvan, by Emanuele Pastorino for ABITARE LA
    The inauguration of the "Ali di farfalla 2023" (Butterfly wings 2023) event will take place on Saturday 11 March, from 7.00 pm at the private gallery Kunst Grenzen - Frontier Art in Rovere della Luna (TN, Via Villotta 7/A). On the occasion of the Inauguration, always with free admission, it will be possible to attend, from 7.30 pm, the Musical Recital "My women" (DONNE MIE) with the actors Ester d'Amato and Alfonso Masi, music by Patrick Coser, Luciano Maino and Michele Tovazzi.   During the month of exhibition of the works of "Butterfly Wings 2023", with date being defined, there will be the testimony of the parents of Alba Chiara Baroni, who was only 22 years old when she was killed by her suicidal boyfriend Mattia Stanga... The artistic event "Butterfly Wings 2023" is organized by the Cultural Association Kunst Grenzen-Arte di Frontier aps by the artist Gentile Polo, graphics Sarah mutinelli, with the support of the Municipality and Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna, CR Rotaliana and Giovo. The Sala Kunst Grenzen has no architectural barriers and is also accessible to people with mobility difficulties. Gallery Kunst Grenzen-Frontier art (Trento, IT - 38030 Rovere della Luna, Via Villotta 7/A) Secretariat: email: