Moving Pol'Art

From Sicily, the space-time colors of Agostino Tulumello on display at the Kunst Grenzen Gallery

From Sicily, the space-time colors of Agostino Tulumello will be on display from 5 to 20 May 2023 at the private gallery Kunst Grenzen in Rovere della Luna (Trento, Italy).     Specialized at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Liège in Belgium, the artist has to his credit a portfolio of over two hundred exhibitions in Italy and abroad. Since the early years of his intense activity as a painter, Agostino Tulumello has aimed at achieving the concept of "pure creation" through an incessant analysis of the neutrality of time expressed as a musical and mathematical scansion in abscissas and ordinates, such as pause, stationary and travel . Tulumello himself defines himself synthetically through the poetic verses: “Prisoner / of the grid / of time, slave / of the god / Kronos / bound / between heaven and earth.”
“From the works of Tulumello emerge countless parallel realities beyond the conventions of the visible and of action, generating correspondences and analogies between creation and genesis. Feelings of the soul shed light and land towards arcane perspective archipelagos through feeble and illusory narrative sinuosities. We are witnessing an epochal clash between the linearity of the stroke and the fluctuating dynamism of the composition, now rotating, now integrated between dogmatic horizontal and vertical overlaps. […] Beyond the space-time relationship Tulumello meditates on the irrevocability of the fragment, on the harmonic traces of the geometric shapes that hold up the universe in search of the primordial objective temporalities. The fragment, far from its naturalistic context, extends its presence between overlaps and additions of pictorial material, generating a fascinating rhythmic interweaving. […] The pictorial reality in Tulumello is represented by fragments, integrations, compositional arrangements, in the assiduous search for the ancestral visual expression of the experience placed in the eternal perceptive transfiguration of the universe. (Art. taken from "Agostino Tulumello in: The Colors of Time" in NEWS - ART: NEWS FROM THE ART WORLD, by Giovanni Cardone, Essayist, Historian and Art Critic at the Italian Swiss University, March 2022).
For further information on the artist, consult the Kunst Grenzen web page: members' PERMANENT GALLERY sections. Agostino Tulumello will arrive in Trentino on Thursday 4 to set up the event and will be a guest at the Artist's House of the President of Kunst Grenzen Mr. Gentile Polo adjacent to the Gallery of the same name. The INAUGURATION of Agostino Tulumello's personal exhibition will take place on Friday 5 May, from 7.00 pm with free admission and, for the lucky ones who will be present on the opening night, there will be the wonderful opportunity to meet and talk directly with the artist.     The following days of the exhibition can be accessed, always with free admission, at the following times: Saturday 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm, Sunday 10.00 am - 12.00 am/ 3.00 pm - 7.00 pm, Monday (closed) and from Tuesday to Friday by appointment. The personal exhibition “Agostino Tulumello” was created by the artist in collaboration with the Cultural Association Kunst Grenzen – Arte di frontiera aps, the Municipality and Pro Loco of Rovere della Luna, Cassa Rurale Val di Non Rotaliana and Giovo – Branch RdL. The Kunst Grenzen-Arte di Frontiera exhibition hall is located in Rovere' della Luna (Trento, IT - 38030) in Villotta Str. 7/A, has no architectural barriers and is also accessible to people with mobility difficulties. Free PARKING in the area: IV Novembre Str. 45, IV Novembre Str. 56, Rosmini Str. 17 and Roma Str. (in front of the Fire Department). For more information, you can contact the Kunst Grenzen – Arte di Frontiera aps Cultural Association directly e-mail:  

(Lucia Martorelli, Kunst Grenzen – Arte di Frontiera and Gentile Polo Art Studio)